Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
I guess I'm always skeptical about storm predictions & such because they're always so wrong, wrong, wrong. We live in Flower Mound...about 30 min from Plano. In ALL my 29 years I've lived in Texas (Austin, and now Dallas) I've never had any MAJOR hurricane fall-out from the coastal areas.
I can't even wrap my brain around a storm coming up this far into Texas & being a real problem.
That being said...what do we need to do (fish tank wise) to prepare? We only have 2 Green Chromis, but about $1500 worth of corals in the tank that I would HATE to lose!!!!!
Predictions are the storm will stall and produce heavy rainfall amounts inland. You could do one of the following: Purchase a generator with adequate fuel for same, purchase battery operated air pumps with batteries sufficient for an extended period , purchase battery backup power similair to those on computers...but you do not get many hours usage.
If you are relying on external filtration to keep levels within check..ie sump, etc then you may need to cross off the battery pumps. Analyze your system ie bio-load, etc. Can it survice for d ays with just air pumps? Go from there.
Wind is probably the main cause for power fialure. Do not be fooled as these systems come with tornados and severs t-strorms ..both could easily knock power out and be a far distance from the center of circulation. .
You do not recall problems with hurricanes as I beleive this is the first to hit TX since the 70's. Tropical storms have hit since the 70's. I want to say 71 was the last hurricane. I could be wrong. based on memory.
best of luck