May the force be with you texas!


Active Member
well incase you dont know this(you gotta be the dumbest person on this planet if you dont) theres another monster storm out there with winds up to like 180mph!!!! Its coming right to you texas! Everyone in texas that has fish send them up to me i will proctect them!!! (note: you may not get the fish back
) Well just be safe and may the force be with you


Active Member
Hey, I think my mother is quite attractive, thanks. And she is the only Rita welcome in my house! Other than a marga-Rita.


HA!!!!!! We're in Dallas & I'm hoping we don't get anything major. Sounds like we're in for some big rain, maybe some flooding...
I'm hoping no power outage...


Active Member
hey crazy...obviously it wouldnt be a direct ocean front hit, but if it continues the path its destined it will hit dallas as a serious storm, my future in laws, brothers sisters, mother dad etc. they all live in plano (dallas) they are preparing. whats worse is hopefully it doesnt hit dallas hard and cause evacuation, that would be way too many inlaws at my house:)


Originally Posted by carshark
hey crazy...obviously it wouldnt be a direct ocean front hit, but if it continues the path its destined it will hit dallas as a serious storm, my future in laws, brothers sisters, mother dad etc. they all live in plano (dallas) they are preparing. whats worse is hopefully it doesnt hit dallas hard and cause evacuation, that would be way too many inlaws at my house:)
I guess I'm always skeptical about storm predictions & such because they're always so wrong, wrong, wrong. We live in Flower Mound...about 30 min from Plano. In ALL my 29 years I've lived in Texas (Austin, and now Dallas) I've never had any MAJOR hurricane fall-out from the coastal areas.
I can't even wrap my brain around a storm coming up this far into Texas & being a real problem.
That being said...what do we need to do (fish tank wise) to prepare? We only have 2 Green Chromis, but about $1500 worth of corals in the tank that I would HATE to lose!!!!!


Active Member
The storm track has moved significantly in the last 12 hours. I would say LA may get the worst of this, again.....what was spared with Katrina may not make it past Rita. Time will tell.


Active Member
Looks like it is headed for the LA/TX border now. What gridlock in Houston. I am surprised they did not have a contra-flow plan in place similiar to the one in the Greater New Orleans area before gridlock hit. Glad to see they have it in place now after many, many hours of gridlock . WOuld hate to see folks stuck in gridlock for hours and hours .
Hate to wish this on folks but it needs to go towards that border as it is not a havily populated area.
Looks like plenty fresh water flooding inland with predictions of it stalling and dropping 25+ inches of rain.
Some friends back home in LA that weere in shelters form Katrina in Lafayette have now been moved to Shreveport.
Lets hope for the best..although the best will probably be BAD!
Aniother test tun...quite difficult to evacuate large metro areas. Too many folks leaving all at once with too far to go and limited options for evacuation areas.


Active Member
Wow..not sure my previous post is accurate regarding contra-flow. They just showed a live pictures and gridlock on one side and virtually few cars on the other. No appreant contra-flow setup on that freeway/interstate.
lets hope they get this corrected soon. I guess Houston has no previous contra-flow plan "model
" :notsure:
Anyone familiar with this City? Does it have a previously planed contra-flow system to put in place? hate to see folks using up gas getting no where. Already reported shortages. :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
I guess I'm always skeptical about storm predictions & such because they're always so wrong, wrong, wrong. We live in Flower Mound...about 30 min from Plano. In ALL my 29 years I've lived in Texas (Austin, and now Dallas) I've never had any MAJOR hurricane fall-out from the coastal areas.
I can't even wrap my brain around a storm coming up this far into Texas & being a real problem.
That being said...what do we need to do (fish tank wise) to prepare? We only have 2 Green Chromis, but about $1500 worth of corals in the tank that I would HATE to lose!!!!!
Predictions are the storm will stall and produce heavy rainfall amounts inland. You could do one of the following: Purchase a generator with adequate fuel for same, purchase battery operated air pumps with batteries sufficient for an extended period , purchase battery backup power similair to those on computers...but you do not get many hours usage.
If you are relying on external filtration to keep levels within sump, etc then you may need to cross off the battery pumps. Analyze your system ie bio-load, etc. Can it survice for d ays with just air pumps? Go from there.
Wind is probably the main cause for power fialure. Do not be fooled as these systems come with tornados and severs t-strorms ..both could easily knock power out and be a far distance from the center of circulation. .
You do not recall problems with hurricanes as I beleive this is the first to hit TX since the 70's. Tropical storms have hit since the 70's. I want to say 71 was the last hurricane. I could be wrong. based on memory.
best of luck


Active Member
from what I am hearing, they have a plan, but today as usual "they" were/are/ still talking about it. I45 is now in effect, but apparently too much back up. Haven't heard anything in the last hour or so except peoples horror stores of 9-10 hours and only 20-25 miles. :scared: I wonder how many cars are running out of gas while sitting?
This is why New Orleans and every other coastal city really needs to start early on these evacuations. I know some don't like it and its an inconvience (especially when the storm moves one way or another and that particular city dodges the bullet) , but so is a cat 4 or 5 hurricane.
I think Texas is doing a great job so far......busses available, hospitals/nursing homes evacuated. EVERYONE seems informed. These things WILL take more than 1 or 2 days.
But, if for some reason this storm makes a huge turn and doesn't effect a certain town or city, this won't all be for naught.
Be safe everyone!


Active Member
Hey ScubaDoo
Houston does have a contra-flow plan. The south bound side of 45 is now North bound. This goes from Houston to Corsicana. This started at 9am. Not sure if it is actually going on though.
I am located in Plano.
We are expected to get some heavy rain that is about all. Now lets see what will actually happen.



Active Member
man what if it hit Louisiana or mississippi?? There would be no more louisiana or mississipi! Think about it 2 states....gone.


Active Member
The entire states are not effected. Way inland you may see a lot of rain and even a lot of wind damage. But both states won't be entirely wiped out thank goodness.


At the moment, I-10, by our house has been shifted to go one way on both sides. They have the plan, but a lot of people stuck around a long time to see what was going to happen and then suddenly decided they needed out. They are having a great deal of difficulty with 290 because in Giddings and Brenham, you have to sort of exit and get on in another spot. They're deffinately working on it though and I'm really impressed with the Mayor of Galveston, and all of the great folks in Houston. My parents in law are somewhere in the gridlock, trying to get to us, so I imagine there is a fantastic game of Scrabble in my future.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
The entire states are not effected. Way inland you may see a lot of rain and even a lot of wind damage. But both states won't be entirely wiped out thank goodness.
it would be kind of funny if all the hurricanes this year went to loisiana and misissippi


Active Member
Alicia hit in 1983 I recall which was the last significant storm I think to hit the area.
There are several problems with the evacuation. One, it impacts a HUGE number of people. I think 1.5 million are under mandatory evacuations and many others are under voluntary evacuation orders. But the big mistake is that they didn't plan to start contra flow plans when the mandatory evacuations started. They started them afterwards, and they will learn the hard way. If the storm kinda misses us at full force, it will be a sigh of relief. Because that is a tragedy waiting to happen, IMO. Basically, they said evacuate, and everyone seems to have listened.
There are serious gas shortages, with "traffic" reports now primarily being "gas" reports of what station is open and where.


Active Member
Alicia was a tropical storm not a hurricane but it did dump tons of rain. Interesting that Houston did not have a comprehensice contra-flow plan to keep folks moving before gridlock.
While one could say N.O. botched some of the evacuation they did implement contra-flow as soon as the madatory evacuations occurred.
It appears the areas south of Houston have/had a good plan. let's hope they can get these folks off the highways before tomorrow night.
They needed contra-flow plans before gridlock and as part of the evacuation plan.
Wow, how many other major cities in this country are not prepared for disaster with comprehensive evacuation plans?
Looks like we are seeing a repeat of play it by ear once again.
lets hope for the best for the folks on the road.