Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything


Gasha on the Algae Scrubber site, with a top-of-tank setup:

Hobogato on the Algae Scrubber site:

JDlon on the Algae Scrubber site:

Kbaker on the Algae Scrubber site, with a solar powered turtle tank:




Ktsdad on the Algae Scrubber site, with a bio-ball container design:

Mystic.Bertie on the Algae Scrubber site:

Natapa on the Algae Scrubber site, with an outdoor SW aquaculture pond:

OceanRock on the Algae Scrubber site:



Jrunyon210 on the FL site:

Imdaring on the LR site:

Amalick on the MASA site:

Halogen on the MB site:

Huhhhhh on the MB site did a fantastic build. This type of scrubber is the most powerful you can fit in a small space, because all of the light is strong and near to the screen:


Here are the water resistant end caps for the bulbs:

Here is the ballast (powers up to 6 bulbs):

Here is the wiring diragram:

Chelsey on the -- site:

Tige21 on the MD site:



New Member
Ref post 879.880,890
first sory if I was not clear, when I said off to the side I ment lower then the tank higher then the sump, so to use the overflow from the tank
I am really sory to bother you again but......
I tryed my contraption and it did not work in that the container filled up faster then it drained, same pipe size in and out, not part of the plan, don't undertand why unless it is the resitstance from the sump inlet.
LOVE the sample scrubbers. It is easyier then it looks to make it work though


New Member
Sorry, ment to attach this picture it shows how my sump is set up I removed the hose to left on the top of the sump and put it into the scrubber then out of the scrubber back to the left top of the sump. Really fills quick. other silly technical issues like a leaky fitting too, I can take care of that.