Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything


Active Member
ok if that's the case go ahead and send me whatever.
Ill be your test subject, ill run both types of screens since I have the room. I already have a 10" one I got from ***** so it should be a good comparison. Just give me the thumbs up here and Ill log into paypal and send the order through. preferably have it out and to me by the end of the week since this week is the week and next that Im doing the plumbing.


Active Member
gotcha. Well the tank will be cycling next week anyways. So its really going to be almost 2 months before I actually need one.
Ill go ahead and make the frame to hold the sheet. Ill do it 19" long. How high off the surface of the water should I make it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SantaMonica
High enough so you can get the floodlights within 4" of the middle (not top) of the screen.
Ya but aside from the flood lights, how long is the screen going to be? I want to make the bar that holds the screen about an inch or so shorter than that so that when I get my screen it will fit in perfectly and just barely dip inside the waterline of the sump.
Ill hang the yard lights, one on each side of the bar...about halfway down. And about 3" from where the screen will slide into place. Im making an acrylic "coffin" to contain the screen and hang off the bar.
It will be removable for cleaning by simply shutting off the flow valve and unscrewing the union valve.


Active Member
WOW I was so confidant when I made this stand. I thought I had all the room in the world....I was wrong

Heare is what I have so far:

This is a 1.5" drain line that is going to go directly to the sump or the scrubber. I have valves on both ends to control the flow either way.

Screen will hang nicely with barly any room to spare. It will drop right into the water by about an inch. Ill fashion an acrylic box or something to prevent water splashes on the lights face.
So on to the lights...well...
Naturally I would at first glance want to hang them this way:

But the light would be about an inch over the water in the fuge below. And I don't want to rush anything by having thelights that close to water.
So I can end up hanging them this way instead

What do you think? Its all dry plumbed, no need to glue it all in perma till I get some more input.
Thanks a bunch,


Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
WOW I was so confidant when I made this stand. I thought I had all the room in the world....I was wrong

Heare is what I have so far:

This is a 1.5" drain line that is going to go directly to the sump or the scrubber. I have valves on both ends to control the flow either way.

Screen will hang nicely with barly any room to spare. It will drop right into the water by about an inch. Ill fashion an acrylic box or something to prevent water splashes on the lights face.
So on to the lights...well...
Naturally I would at first glance want to hang them this way:

But the light would be about an inch over the water in the fuge below. And I don't want to rush anything by having thelights that close to water.
So I can end up hanging them this way instead

What do you think? Its all dry plumbed, no need to glue it all in perma till I get some more input.
Thanks a bunch,

I don't think I would plumb it that way myself.


Active Member
1.5" Flow valve is in a different spot, this made more room for the screen to hang closer to the edge of the sump. Also tweaked the plumbing on the scrubber a little as well.

Adding this "U-Turn", gave me a good amount of space to work with. Originally I was limiting myself to the length of my screen pipe. Now I can have a screen run the length of the fuge chamber. AND allow me a union coupling to remove it for easy maintenance/upgraded screens.
The draw back is this also restricts flow a bit, but I can compensate via larger holes in the screen pipe...or adjusting the flow valve on the primary drain below.
I'm fairly set on this version. Just want to double check what you think so I can weigh it.


Active Member
Water hits the screen and comes down at an angle. Turning up the flow and down doesnt seem to help.

The red solid line is where it is gushing out at an angle, the red dotted line is the secondary wash from the primary.
Any ideas?


Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
Water hits the screen and comes down at an angle. Turning up the flow and down doesnt seem to help.

The red solid line is where it is gushing out at an angle, the red dotted line is the secondary wash from the primary.
Any ideas?

I replied to your problem in your thread.


Here are several updates:
Milburnr on the SC site had this great pic of his flow:

Quick review of why scrubbers work:
1. The light is very near the screen, and is not blocked by anything.
2. The flow is very rapid, which transports more nutrients to and from the algae.
3. The flow (on a vertical waterfall) is very thin, which breaks up boundary layer,
and which lets the most light through.
4. 7-day cleanings keeps the bottom layers of algae from being shaded and dying.
5. Using FW to clean, kills the pods that normally destroy the algae.
Seeding a new screen is no longer recommended, because (1) you get good growth in a week anyway, and (2) the seeding just washes off and adds nutrients to the water.
Barbianj on the RS site made a great high-power CFL setup:

Long vacations: Some people want to use a scrubber, but are gone two or three weeks at a time. Here are the options: The easiest is to do nothing. In this case, after three weeks, the underlying layers of algae will have died. When you return, the water may be cloudy and colored, and the nitrate and phosphate may be increased, but after a screen cleaning and some carbon, it will be back to normal in a few days. This option is ok if you leave only once or twice a year. Nothing should be harmed, however. The next option is to remove the screen. For very long trips, and for cases where you have lots of LR and DSB, this might be best. Of course your tank may develop nuisance algae during the trip because of lack of filtering, and you'll have to start the screen from scratch when you return.
RonRon on the RP site built one with just a tupperware box:

Here's another option to attach your screen: Curtain rings...
so i finally custom built my scrubber to fit in my sump. Its made out of acrylic and is 4.5 inches wide and 11 inches long and. it lays on its side and is tilted slightly torwards the return... pics to come. only been up and running for about 4 days no growth yet. although i have noticed my skimmer pulling out ALOT more gunk than usual...
checked the scrubber this morning and it has a hint of green in it and a couple of darker green areas ... skimmer is still pulling TONS of gunk out of the water... kinda adamant about turning off the skimmer until the scrubber is established


Scrubber News:
Awards: It's finally happened... A scrubber-only tank (no skimmer) has won Tank Of The Month. "Mudshark", whose pics have been posted here for a while, just won the August Tank Of The Month at MASA site.
The big reef site: They have done a few things to keep people from finding out about scrubbers. They've made it so that when you try to post a link to the scrubber site, it is changed to "". Also, if you try to search for anything scrubber related there, it seems to always have an "error".


Active Member
the top half? or the bottom half? cause itwould be lame if the top half was fake. but ill find out in 2 seconds...sonn as I figure out what masa is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
the top half? or the bottom half? cause itwould be lame if the top half was fake. but ill find out in 2 seconds...sonn as I figure out what masa is.
i don't see an august TOTM at the masa site. They only go up to July :(