Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything


here is a couple tank shots. not any big deal but huge progress for me. finally beat the algae after two years of trying. using scrubber with chaeto and ro water now. finally getting some where. ordered a variety of 50 different zoos that will be here on wed.
cant wait to get some color in the tank.



Thanks... glad it can be of use.
Todj... those areas of yellow on the screen... that's caused by lack of flow, usually the result of algae growing up into the slot and blocking it.


Originally Posted by SantaMonica
Thanks... glad it can be of use.
Todj... those areas of yellow on the screen... that's caused by lack of flow, usually the result of algae growing up into the slot and blocking it.
tks. it was pretty plugged up. i think i am going to make the slot wider. my scrubber is not fed by a pump, it just drains out of a large rubbermaid that i use to add water volume. so i guess my options are add a small powerhead and force water thru scrubber to make better flow or widen the slot. hate to use anymore power so i will widen slot first.


Originally Posted by SantaMonica
I thought you posted the rug-canvas over the plastic rod. I'll have to go back to find out who it was.
yeah i remember that. i think it was somewhere around where i began posting but wasnt me.


Someone came up with a great way to attach Rug Canvas. Rug Canvas is the highest performance screen material; it is preferred over Plastic Canvas because Rug has small fibers that algae can attach tightly too. This means you get growth faster, and you get more growth sticking to the screen after cleaning (thus, no overly-cleaned bare spots). The problem with Rug is that it's a flimsy material, and the edges tend to unravel. It also won't last forever. So consider it more work, in order to get the highest performance.
Anyway, this idea is very simple, but I've not tried it. So you might have a plastic canvas version as a backup, in case you can't get the Rug working properly. You'll need to make the slot wider, to accomodate the plastic rod. The trick will be getting the right "fit" between the rod/screen, and the slot, so that the water flows smoothly. It will be trickier than a simple plasic canvas, no doubt. So plan on experimenting with it for a few days in the bathtub.
You can get Rug Canvas at any crafts/sewing store. Also, you might need to sew/glue/hotmelt/etc the loose edges so that it does not unravel.


Only if you wants lots of cooling. Or, if you are going to pulse the flow. But this has not been tested to prove that it works better than continuous flow.


Update Of The Day:
Waste is Food: Reef tank owners sometime get into the frame of mind of "food is food, and waste is waste". Thus they put food into the tank, and they remove waste from the tank (skimming, siphoning, waterchanges.) But actually, both food and waste are Organic, and thus are both "food" (food for something, somewhere). Corals and inverts may not directly eat the big krill that you feed your fish, but they do eat the waste from those fish. Further info:
http://www.*** links to other forums (or their offshoots) are not allowed


Active Member
You might want to put your lights further down... but otherwise, looks good! Wrap them in electrical tape to keep the moisture out.


hi, I have a couple questions.
1. Do I need a seeded screen for a new tank? If so, where can I get one.(PM me)
2. Can I have glass or arcylic in between the light and the screen?, will this affect growth?


Diy, you do not need a "pre-grown" screen, unless you are trying to get instant high-performce. Yours will grow itself in a few weeks.
Yes you can put glass or acrylic as a shield. It actually help, because you can get your lights right up to the screen.
Dazed, you need to seal your bulb, where is screws in to the socket, or anywhere else a drop of water might cause problems.