Michael Vick


Originally Posted by Jmick
Vick is a piece of crap and I hope he loses millions of dollars in endorsements over this and his career...not only is he one of the most overrated players in the NFL but he's also an idiot and a scumbag.
Not sure if I would label Vick a piece of crap yet (Willing to wait out the judicial process), but I will agree that he's an idiot, and here's why ...
... my biggest gripe against high-paid professional athletes (And other forms of celebrity) is that many times they're not smart enough to realize how good they have it compared to most other people. God, or whomever/whatever has blessed them with ability that has allowed them to be financially rewarded far beyond the wildest dreams of the average citizen. Yet, they often don't alter/modify their behavior, or their associations to protect what they have. Some will still hang with the less-than-desirable groups of their youth, still participate in illicit/illegal behavior, feel that their stature leaves them above the moral and legal bounds of most other people, and so on.
Shoot, even little ol' me has changed my behavior over the years, cut ties with people who I once considered the best of friends ... all because I felt I needed to do that to protect my ability to be a good citizen and to be able to provide for my family.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
I know more about the legal system than you'll ever know, thanks. it happened on his property, he's guilty. and the feds don't usually bring an indictment unless it's a sure thing, this ain't magistrate or even state court where a good lawyer can get you off. a federal charge is the big time.
wrong. this isn't a guy that happened to go to one dog fight or even own one dog that was involved in a fight. this was a large scale dogfighting ring where supposedly millions of dollars changed hands. it's a big deal, and they were right to go after him, because he's the one that owned the property where it all took place.

"it happened on his property, he's guilty"
Yeah, that's some sound legal theory right there. I really hope you know nothing about the legal system because if you do your judgment is so twisted it's scarry. So if I rent a house to someone who turns around and sells drugs, beats his wife or cheats on his taxes I am guilty.
Damn, I hate the fact it comes across like I am defending this goon. Fact is nobody knows how involved he really is. If the feds have a tape showing the guy working the fights or involved in the business that would be one thing but innocent until proven guilty is still the law of the land. People calling for the guy's blood just cause they don't like him is BS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by f14peter
Not sure if I would label Vick a piece of crap yet (Willing to wait out the judicial process), but I will agree that he's an idiot, and here's why ...
... my biggest gripe against high-paid professional athletes (And other forms of celebrity) is that many times they're not smart enough to realize how good they have it compared to most other people. God, or whomever/whatever has blessed them with ability that has allowed them to be financially rewarded far beyond the wildest dreams of the average citizen. Yet, they often don't alter/modify their behavior, or their associations to protect what they have. Some will still hang with the less-than-desirable groups of their youth, still participate in illicit/illegal behavior, feel that their stature leaves them above the moral and legal bounds of most other people, and so on.
Shoot, even little ol' me has changed my behavior over the years, cut ties with people who I once considered the best of friends ... all because I felt I needed to do that to protect my ability to be a good citizen and to be able to provide for my family.
If this guy would risk everything he has to even make a few million off dog fighting or any other illegal activity he is a dumbass. Hard to believe someone who has went to college could be so stupid but anything is possible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
If this guy would risk everything he has to even make a few million off dog fighting or any other illegal activity he is a dumbass. Hard to believe someone who has went to college could be so stupid but anything is possible.

Agreed...although he didn't really go to college to learn or gain any wisdom he went to play ball and have fun.


Active Member
The fact remains....
At a dog fight that was lost by his dog...he was seen retrieving a bookbag with some cash to pay the guy...( That coming from the man Vick payed..Who is now a witness among lots of others)
They say there are more witnesses who have seen him kill dogs..
Not the 40+ or anything like that..Its alleged that he was present when 8 dogs were put down in an inhumane way..
Goodell is trying to make examples out of ppl..
Lets face it, Vick's disregard for the law has shown its face more than just this mess before...


This isn't the Duke lacrosee case and to compare it to that is silly and uneducated. From day one, the Duke players had concrete alibis of innocence that were ignored. Vick's alibi is that he wasn;t there much. That may be true but i'm willing to bet his "family" that lived there didnt have nearly the money to feed, train and house that many dogs. Vick bought all the equipment and made all the modifications to turn it into a dog fighting business. Unlike Duke, there are MANY witneses against Vick, only 1 crazy accuser with no other witnesses in the Duke case.
They claim he killed dogs on that property that were "timid" as recent as April 2007. If the charges against him are even remotely true(i believe 100% that they are) Vick should go to jail and be banned for life from the NFL. Playing is a privilege not a right and he has lost that privilege forever if guilty.
Sad for Falcons fans, with Vicks contract, if he is banned, they will be in cap hell for at least the next 5 years. Petrino must be kicking himself for taking this job.
Is there a scummier NFL family than the Vick's???? What a disgrace Marcus and Michael are


Originally Posted by Adairable
Well I have met him and went to school with him and he was never anything but a gentleman. And I can't believe you speak like that on a public website.

He probably was so nice because he thought you were underage and was scouting you for his brother

Yeah after he was such a "gentleman" to you, he went home and killed some dogs while his brother was sexually assaulting underage girls. You're accusing others of bias against him when you clearly are incredibly biased for him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
Well I have met him and went to school with him and he was never anything but a gentleman. And I can't believe you speak like that on a public website.
jeffrey dahmer was quiet and polite too , i went to school with a girl that paid 2 boys to kill her grandma, i sat beside her in math all year she went out with one of my friends once or twice she certainly didnt seem the type.

luca brasi

Originally Posted by Vpotts28
No matter who the QB is they will still be throwing to Joe Horn

Joe's great, wish he hadn't gone to Atl. But, he is getting up there and health has been an issue the last few years. All that aside, he has better hands than anyone else on the Falcons' roster.


Active Member
How could anyone defend Michael Vick after hearing about the things that he did, he allowed, and that happened on HIS property!? Electrocution, slamming, shooting, starving the animals nearly to death. Despicable.
The man is scum and hopefully, and most likely, he rots in prison. The federal government rarely loses cases.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
How could anyone defend Michael Vick after hearing about the things that he did, he allowed, and that happened on HIS property!? Electrocution, slamming, shooting, starving the animals nearly to death. Despicable.
The man is scum and hopefully, and most likely, he rots in prison. The federal government rarely loses cases.

The electro was by far the most horrible thing...
Pouring water on the dog and then frying him...
Since a few of us live in ATL, and most dont
for the one who dont check out
WWW.AJC.com....They have alot of info on it there..


Active Member
It is hard to find any credible details on this but so far it seems he had a Kennel operation on that property. I thought it was just the house he rented out to a cousin or something. If he was involved in the kennel business at all he would have to be brain dead not to have known about the fighting. I still want to see more evidence but this is looking bad for Vick. If they can place him on the property in the last year I think he go bye bye.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
It is hard to find any credible details on this but so far it seems he had a Kennel operation on that property. I thought it was just the house he rented out to a cousin or something. If he was involved in the kennel business at all he would have to be brain dead not to have known about the fighting. I still want to see more evidence but this is looking bad for Vick. If they can place him on the property in the last year I think he go bye bye.

They are saying they can prove he was on the grounds as receantly(sp) as April..


If I was a falcon fan I wold be hiding under a rock this season. Vick is a THUG and needs to GO there is no room in the NFL for this sort of thing. Kids look up to Vick and by the NFL letting him play this season it shows it ok to do what Vick did. I hope he goes to jail for a long time.


Active Member
Dunno, OJ just knifed his ex ol lady, This is dogs for gods sake

If half the rumors are true ain't nobody involved in this walking away with a slap on the wrist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
"it happened on his property, he's guilty"
Yeah, that's some sound legal theory right there. I really hope you know nothing about the legal system because if you do your judgment is so twisted it's scarry. So if I rent a house to someone who turns around and sells drugs, beats his wife or cheats on his taxes I am guilty.
Damn, I hate the fact it comes across like I am defending this goon. Fact is nobody knows how involved he really is. If the feds have a tape showing the guy working the fights or involved in the business that would be one thing but innocent until proven guilty is still the law of the land. People calling for the guy's blood just cause they don't like him is BS.
are you guilty if you rent your property to some guy and he beats his wife there? no. are you guilty if you rent your property and some guy GROWS drugs there? yes. unless of course you can prove that you didn't know about it at all. what the land is used for is the owner's responsibility. thus the saying "possession is 9/10s of the law". so is he guilty because a very large dogfighting ring was run on his property? yes. unless of course there's any way possible he can prove ignorance. and considering he owned not one, but two dog breeding businesses, I think it'll be next to impossible for him to prove he didn't know there were dogs being fought on his land. and again, this is the feds, they don't go for federal indictments unless it's pretty much an airtight case. I doubt he'll do any significant amount of prison tight, but I'll bet a hundred dollars to a jelly donut that he WILL be found guilty and will very likely plead guilty rather than go to trial.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanclus
IMO Vick will get off witha slap on the wrist... You'll see Just like Oj did. Pays to have money.

OJ was a state case handled by incompetent prosecutors and a judge who allowed the whole thing to turn into a circus. the Federal courts is whole different ballgame. maybe he'll just get a slap on the wrist, but you can pretty much rest assured he WILL be found guilty.


Active Member
should'nt it have tipped off lawmakers years ago that he was going to fight the dogs when he named his outfit.... bad newz kennels.???..or is it just me?


I for one hope he gets some heavy federal time. I bet he pleads out and ends up with very minimal(think P.

here) and probation.