Michael Vick


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
are you guilty if you rent your property to some guy and he beats his wife there? no. are you guilty if you rent your property and some guy GROWS drugs there? yes. unless of course you can prove that you didn't know about it at all. what the land is used for is the owner's responsibility. thus the saying "possession is 9/10s of the law". so is he guilty because a very large dogfighting ring was run on his property? yes. unless of course there's any way possible he can prove ignorance. and considering he owned not one, but two dog breeding businesses, I think it'll be next to impossible for him to prove he didn't know there were dogs being fought on his land. and again, this is the feds, they don't go for federal indictments unless it's pretty much an airtight case. I doubt he'll do any significant amount of prison tight, but I'll bet a hundred dollars to a jelly donut that he WILL be found guilty and will very likely plead guilty rather than go to trial.
I happen to know someone who had two different rental properties busted because his tennents were growing pot. That's two within a few months of each other. The cops didn't question him on either one. I remember because he was steamed because he was questioned about a tennent who was accused of operating a daycare without a license. They questioned him about that but not the drugs.
I don't know why you keep bringing up "possession is 9/10th of the law", it means nothing unless you are talking about street justice. Even then the most important part is the last 10th, KEEPING IT. To be prosecuted it would have to be proven the landlord knew about the activity. The law of the land is still "innocent until PROVEN guilty"
For what its worth I don't think anyone found guily in this case will get a slap. too much publicity and this goes beyond dog fighting. They way they are supposed to have put down the dogs (hanging, drowning, slamming on the ground) is so out there I seriously doubt the prosecutors are going to be willing to plead it down.
this sucks really bad. im a just a kid and ive looked up to vick for the last 5 years.. now i find out my favorite athlete ever is brutaly killing my other favorite thing. because they are not mean enough and starving them for days so they will be meaner in the fight. falcons traded shaub. if the didnt trade shaub wed be fine letting vick go.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I don't know why you keep bringing up "possession is 9/10th of the law", it means nothing unless you are talking about street justice. Even then the most important part is the last 10th, KEEPING IT. To be prosecuted it would have to be proven the landlord knew about the activity. The law of the land is still "innocent until PROVEN guilty"
For what its worth I don't think anyone found guily in this case will get a slap. too much publicity and this goes beyond dog fighting. They way they are supposed to have put down the dogs (hanging, drowning, slamming on the ground) is so out there I seriously doubt the prosecutors are going to be willing to plead it down.
that saying has a lot more to do than street justice. his property, his dog breeding business, his guilt. the saying is "PRESUMED innocent until proven guilty" and that applies to the court of law, not the court of public opinion. further, all that means is you maintain your rights until proven guilty. once the indictment comes down, you're pretty much assumed to be guilty. he's guilty, he's going to be found guilty, that's pretty much the end of it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
that saying has a lot more to do than street justice. his property, his dog breeding business, his guilt. the saying is "PRESUMED innocent until proven guilty" and that applies to the court of law, not the court of public opinion. further, all that means is you maintain your rights until proven guilty. once the indictment comes down, you're pretty much assumed to be guilty. he's guilty, he's going to be found guilty, that's pretty much the end of it.
you're right,and i hope they use him to set an example that this thug behaviour wont be stood for , but i feel that husky and reefraff are right and he will get the celebrity treatment(slap on the wrist)


Active Member
Pontius said:
"PRESUMED innocent until proven guilty" and that applies to the court of law, not the court of public opinion. further, all that means is you maintain your rights until proven guilty. once the indictment comes down, you're pretty much assumed to be guilty. QUOTE]
You mean like the rapists from Duke?

I think things are looking bad for Vick but the NFL still needs to see what evidence they really have on him before making a move. I mean damn, William Jefferson was video taped taking a 100,000 dollar bribe, 90,000 of it was recovered from his freezer and he still hasn't been thrown out of congress. Of course if he'd been a white republican the media would have tried and convicted him a year ago


Originally Posted by SUDC
He probably was so nice because he thought you were underage and was scouting you for his brother

Yeah after he was such a "gentleman" to you, he went home and killed some dogs while his brother was sexually assaulting underage girls. You're accusing others of bias against him when you clearly are incredibly biased for him.
I am stating a fact, something that I know first hand because I experienced it. It is not biased to say that our legal system should take care of this because it is their job and a person here in the USA deserves a fair trial before being accused of ANY crime. I find it very inappropriate to place judgement on others. That is just my opinion.
Again, he was always a gentleman to me unlike his brother.
And no he was not scouting me out because I was underage. We were the same year in school.


And when he is proven guilty I will change my song. If the things stated are true, I will personnally burn my Vick jersey.
I just do not thing it is OK to judge a person on information that is not first-hand or proven true. JMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by morayeels
If I was a falcon fan I wold be hiding under a rock this season. Vick is a THUG and needs to GO there is no room in the NFL for this sort of thing. Kids look up to Vick and by the NFL letting him play this season it shows it ok to do what Vick did. I hope he goes to jail for a long time.
Dude Go SKINS!!!


Active Member
reefraff said:
Originally Posted by Pontius
"PRESUMED innocent until proven guilty" and that applies to the court of law, not the court of public opinion. further, all that means is you maintain your rights until proven guilty. once the indictment comes down, you're pretty much assumed to be guilty. QUOTE]
You mean like the rapists from Duke?

I think things are looking bad for Vick but the NFL still needs to see what evidence they really have on him before making a move. I mean damn, William Jefferson was video taped taking a 100,000 dollar bribe, 90,000 of it was recovered from his freezer and he still hasn't been thrown out of congress. Of course if he'd been a white republican the media would have tried and convicted him a year ago

Duke case = state charge. Vick case = federal charge. apples and oranges

the NFL should do whatever the NFL sees fit. they don't owe him a jury trial or anything else. they could suspend him for life right now if they wanted to. and I can tell you that the vast number of Falcons (this would be true if it were any player from any team) fans will be outraged if he plays while this is pending, so their best bet would be to suspend him now.
Adairable, you have a biased opinion of him because you met him. that's great. but the overwhelming evidence is that he is a scumbag. it's "wrong" for someone to judge him? I don't see it that way, I see it as he was "wrong" to own property where many dogs were viciously butchered.


Originally Posted by Adairable
I am stating a fact, something that I know first hand because I experienced it. It is not biased to say that our legal system should take care of this because it is their job and a person here in the USA deserves a fair trial before being accused of ANY crime. I find it very inappropriate to place judgement on others. That is just my opinion.
Again, he was always a gentleman to me unlike his brother.
And no he was not scouting me out because I was underage. We were the same year in school.
First, noone deserves a fair trial before being accused of any crime. You deserve a fair trial before being CONVICTED of any crime.
Second, your other statement doesnt make much sense. You say its "very inappropriate to place judgement on others" yet you have already put out the judgement that Vick is a nice guy,a gentleman and not guilty of these charges based on your running into him on the quad one day.
Gee, what a shock, an athlete being nice to a girl. Unless your a complete train wreck, i'll bet him and his brother were probably calculating how many more killer dogs they could sell with you in a skimpy outfit on their kennel advertisements.


Originally Posted by SUDC
First, noone deserves a fair trial before being accused of any crime. You deserve a fair trial before being CONVICTED of any crime.
Second, your other statement doesnt make much sense. You say its "very inappropriate to place judgement on others" yet you have already put out the judgement that Vick is a nice guy,a gentleman and not guilty of these charges based on your running into him on the quad one day.
Gee, what a shock, an athlete being nice to a girl. Unless your a complete train wreck, i'll bet him and his brother were probably calculating how many more killer dogs they could sell with you in a skimpy outfit on their kennel advertisements.
You have officially made me reconsider ever coming to this site again. That was over the line



What exactly was over the line??? Oh yeah, badmouthing an athlete who kills dogs that you have a fascination with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
You have officially made me reconsider ever coming to this site again. That was over the line
I agree, that was over the line! People make all sorts of assumptions of what they read or hear about without knowing the facts. I do believe you to have more creditiblity based on the fact that you know him. The fact that this has happened in my opinion is bad, but I wouldn't put his name in the same sentence as serial killers or people who commit violent crimes against actual human beings.
I know I would rather those pitbulls be killed than sold or given away, because regardless if they were not willing to fight.... they still are very dangerous and could snap at anytime. I do no however approve of how they were killed, and we don't know if Vick did it or if it was whom ever was handling the day to day of the operation.

aztec reef

Active Member
yes, he is the scum of earth...Even if its not true..just the fact that theres rumors and evidence of him breeding and having a place to do such activities makes him guilty.. What's left is, that he has a Good lawer(or should i say lier)..


Active Member
Originally Posted by SUDC

What exactly was over the line??? Oh yeah, badmouthing an athlete who kills dogs that you have a fascination with.
You need to back off her a little bit, the statement wasn't made towards me, but if you can't see that what you said was inappropriate than you are way off!

aztec reef

Active Member
Rylan1 said:
I agree, that was over the line! People make all sorts of assumptions of what they read or hear about without knowing the facts. I do believe you to have more creditiblity based on the fact that you know him. The fact that this has happened in my opinion is bad, but I wouldn't put his name in the same sentence as serial killers or people who commit violent crimes against actual human beings.
Not really lets face it.. he's already been all over the news.. What's next..he's not guilty..please.. There's ONLY two reason to breed and keep pitbulls, 1. to keep as dogs and sell them 2. breed for fighting pourpuses..
"unless of course there's any way possible he can prove ignorance" How would that look to the public? is that going to mean that NFL players are Ignorant.?


Active Member
Aztec Reef said:
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I agree, that was over the line! People make all sorts of assumptions of what they read or hear about without knowing the facts. I do believe you to have more creditiblity based on the fact that you know him. The fact that this has happened in my opinion is bad, but I wouldn't put his name in the same sentence as serial killers or people who commit violent crimes against actual human beings.
Not really lets face it.. he's already been all over the news.. What's next..he's not guilty..please.. There's ONLY two reason to breed and keep pitbulls, 1. to keep as dogs and sell them 2. breed for fighting pourpuses..
We don't know the extent of his involvement, simple as that. I am not saying he is guilty or not guilty, we need to wait for the case so that the facts can come out. He's been accused of this, now he must defend himself. Regardless of how this is viewed in the public, we do not know anything accept what is alleged.


Actually, its fact that pitbulls were bred and killed on that property
That's not an allegation, it's a fact.
Whether Vick knew or was involved is technically debatable.
I notice he hasn't held a news conference expressing his innocence. Any PR person worth a damn would say that he needs to immediately cry his innocence to anyone that will listen just like Kobe did. The fact that Vick is hiding tells me that he is guilty and he knows they have the evidence to prove it.