Michael Vick

aztec reef

Active Member
Rylan1 said:
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
We don't know the extent of his involvement, simple as that. I am not saying he is guilty or not guilty, we need to wait for the case so that the facts can come out. He's been accused of this, now he must defend himself. Regardless of how this is viewed in the public, we do not know anything accept what is alleged.

Lawyers are so much like scientists..you want harcore evidence right? So All that is a rumor/footage/Evidence/facts= NOTHING if you have a great lawyer...$$$ money buys everything i guess...him being an NFL player, i would think that he has some brains. and Think: "Geezz i shouldn't do or allowed this activities on my property cause i'm a Pro and if i get caught it's not gonna look so good..so with all the money that i have i should rent a crappy house or a piece of land or a little appartment so that i cannot get convicted" Now that sounds like comman sense to me..


OK so i didn't read this whole post but i want to say. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. you never know how much he knew and it will be hard to prove it i feel. The real tragedy is the hit on the dogs reputation. I have owned a couple pit bulls in my life and they have been the best dogs in my eyes. Laid back, listen well. Unfortunately most of the cities around my area have made having a pit illegal. you can't get licenses for them. Long story short i sold my pits and now have a American bulldog. Just yesterday a cop stopped by to check her licenses. All this is, is a few bad people and maybe dogs giving a whole breed a bad name. Here is my American Bulldog Lilly. I wish i had some pictures of my kids riding her as they do and she lets them. I have more fear of my dad's crabby old golden retriever bitting them than her.


Active Member
I agree with you 100% but these pits were raised to fight only. Putting them out in the general population would be a disaster waiting to happen. People who do this SUCK big time.

aztec reef

Active Member
I guess next time i have a chance to buy another property i will rent it out to some scumbags. so that they can grow weed or have a dog fighting arena and i'm gonna hired a good lawyer and pretend to Not know Anything about it.. Inocent until proven guilty right?
Pitbull aren't hostil dogs, they fight cause they scared..survival of the fittest. i have bred pits and i have nothing negative to say about them. But now i'm into breeding boxers... my current boxer is hostil to Any other dog, and that's not he's Nature and i surely didn't make him that way..Actually my rottweiller has better manners than him.(but you do not wanna turn your back on the rotty


Not that this holds any water but this morning on the radio i heard that they have ---- stands to breed the dogs and that the dogs that died were hung, slammed to the ground and other very inhumane ways and then they played a clip of someone asking if this was going to effect his career and he very aragantly said that this would not effect anything and that something like this did not matter the only thing that mattered was that he was here to win football game and thats what he is going to keep on doing.
that right there made me think that first that he did it or second that if he didnt do it that he really could care less what happend.

now i have five dogs from a chihuahua to a rotty and can not see how someone could participate in something like that or care so little about what happened
he might be a wonderful football player but when anyone no matter who it is does something like this that automaticly makes me think that he is the skum of the earth and will not support anything that he has to do with. (sry Adairable, not trying to make any one mad but that man has no heart and i cannot like or put up with someone like that.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
I guess next time i have a chance to buy another property i will rent it out to some scumbags. so that they can grow weed or have a dog fighting arena and i'm gonna hired a good lawyer and pretend to Not know Anything about it.. Inocent until proven guilty right?
Pitbull aren't hostil dogs, they fight cause they scared..survival of the fittest. i have bred pits and i have nothing negative to say about them. But now i'm into breeding boxers... my current boxer is hostil to Any other dog, and that's not he's Nature and i surely didn't make him that way..Actually my rottweiller has better manners than him.(but you do not wanna turn your back on the rotty
Rots are the ones who kill more people in the US then any other dog but pit bulls get the bad rap because of people like our friend M. Vick. They are the product of nature and nurture...it's in them to fight and it's easy to teach. I disagree that they fight because they are scared they fight because it's in their nature to do so and they do it very well.


My first pit bull i bought had been fought. had the scares to prove it. but with love and attention all the aggresiveness went away. D-Bo ending up being a great dog even though were he started. In Madison, WI last winter they busted a ex-cop with 150 dogs. All went to the local shelter and almost all found loving homes. It is possible that with the proper love and attention all of these dogs could have been fixed.