Michael Vick...


Active Member
wrong, michael vick is a scumbag, and color has nothing to do with it, anyone who would do what he did to a dog, whether its a poodle, lab, or a pit, doesnt deserve to live in my book. and yes, i know that might upset some people on here, but, i personally feel that anyone who treats animals that way, regardless of who they are, needs to be either a, seriously hurt, or b, killed, because that person is worthless.
and i wouldnt care if it was a member of my own family, the president, the richest man int he world, or what.
the only reason he feels sorry is because he was caught, if he trully felt sorry, he wouldnt of been fighting dogs in the first place, and he for sure wouldnt of subjected the under-performing dogs to the atrocities that he subjected them to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
wrong, michael vick is a scumbag, and color has nothing to do with it, anyone who would do what he did to a dog, whether its a poodle, lab, or a pit, doesnt deserve to live in my book. and yes, i know that might upset some people on here, but, i personally feel that anyone who treats animals that way, regardless of who they are, needs to be either a, seriously hurt, or b, killed, because that person is worthless.
and i wouldnt care if it was a member of my own family, the president, the richest man int he world, or what.
the only reason he feels sorry is because he was caught, if he trully felt sorry, he wouldnt of been fighting dogs in the first place, and he for sure wouldnt of subjected the under-performing dogs to the atrocities that he subjected them to.
Its not like he kept them as pets or went and stole the dogs. They were raised to what they were doing. They werent use to a good old life style that we would give them...
PPL KILL other animals and its not a problem... Does that Deer deserve to get shot so u can hang its head on the wall? NO


Active Member
i hunt, yes, but, i meat hunt only, i dont trophy hunt, period, and, while this may be bragging, i have never had to track a deer ive shot, every single one has dropped in its tracks.
and it doesnt matter what they were raised for.
did you know that pits, at one time, were considered the perfect, read, PERFECT family dog? yes, they were bred for fighting, but, they are also known as the nanny dog, cause they are honestly and truly great with kids.
they score higher on tests than labs.
and, they score lower on the bite tests, as in, which dog breed is more likely to bite you, than labs.
it doesnt matter what an animal is bred to do, its still wrong. dog fighting is damaging to the dogs in more ways than just the physical violence, but, they can be rehabilitated, only 3 of the dogs seized from his kennels had to be put down, pretty good considering they seized over 50 dogs. and no, electrocuting, strangling, drowning, and everything else they did, to dogs that dont perform is nothing short of horrendous. for that offense alone he needs to be castrated and forced to watch the dogs eat the left overs.
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Its not like he kept them as pets or went and stole the dogs. They were raised to what they were doing. They werent use to a good old life style that we would give them...
PPL KILL other animals and its not a problem... Does that Deer deserve to get shot so u can hang its head on the wall? NO
, i agree there is a lot worse things going on. ----, child abuse.
plus there are tons of dogs and cats on the streets , that are getting hit by cars laying dead on the streets.
i dont agree with fighting animals but there are more important things to get mad at.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goober_hunter
, i agree there is a lot worse things going on. ----. child abuse.
plus there are tons of dogs and cats on the streets.
i dont agree with fighting animals but there are more importantthings to get mad at.
Thats how I feel...
And dont get me worng. I love PITs. Gonna hate I cant keep them and my rottweiler at my apt. Def the best breeds out there IMO.. Rotts are the best though hands down.
When I get my house ill have 2 Rotts, 2 Pits, 2 Boxer, 1 Bull Mastiff, 1 Bulldog, 1 Huksie!!
Gonna be a BIG BIG god farm!
Hate small dogs. well not hate em but big dogs are for me!


Active Member
goober, ill put it this way, if i caught my brother doing what michael vick did, he'd never have to worry about going to jail, and he would never be seen again.
i was animal control, and ive had to put to sleep my own dog, ive rescued more animals than i care to count, and either given them a home with me, or found them homes, and that includes former fighting pit bulls.
i have personally beat the crap out of at least half a dozen people for mistreating animals, and put 2 in the hospital, one for several months with multiple broken bones and a skull fractured in 2 places, to this day, he still talks with a lisp because of the damage i did to him.
yes, im a wee bit passionate about this, but, thats how i was raised, i watched my dad, well, if hadnt of been pulled off the guy, he woulda killed him, a guy for killing a horse with a 2x4 at a horse show.
so yeah


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
i hunt, yes, but, i meat hunt only, i dont trophy hunt, period, and, while this may be bragging, i have never had to track a deer ive shot, every single one has dropped in its tracks. .
You're lucky. Every time I hear about tracking a deer, I think of my neighbor, who had to go several miles into a waist-deep swamp, and then several miles back out with the carcass. His truck smelled awful for weeks afterwards. Meat was excellent though.
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
they score higher on tests than labs.
and, they score lower on the bite tests, as in, which dog breed is more likely to bite you, than labs.
Labs may be more likely to bite, but pit bulls and a second breed (I think Rottweilers) are responsible for over half of bite deaths.
Originally Posted by mboswell1982

it doesnt matter what an animal is bred to do, its still wrong. dog fighting is damaging to the dogs in more ways than just the physical violence, but, they can be rehabilitated, only 3 of the dogs seized from his kennels had to be put down, pretty good considering they seized over 50 dogs.
I can't verify the death toll, but don't forget he was convicted of killing six dogs, which is probably only a fraction of the total number of deaths pre-arrest, and many of the seized dogs are considered unable to be rehabilitated, were given "life" at a shelter.
Oh, and the NFL is more focused on the gambling. That's what they find offensive, not the cruelty to animals.
Allowing screwups like Vick, Henry, and Jones to play professional sports is a travesty. I like that Goodell has started to take a stand and suspend these dummies, but if he allows Vick to play one down of football, he's erased the last couple years of progress and more.
Money tends to let most people get off easily. However I don't think filing bankruptcy and serving a prison sentence is really getting off easy. Regardless he has ruined his career.
It's not my job to pass judgement on the guy. What he did was wrong but who on here is perfect?


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
Labs may be more likely to bite, but pit bulls and a second breed (I think Rottweilers) are responsible for over half of bite deaths.
wrong, according to all of the statistics, the percentage of actual pit bull bites is less than 5%, but there are over a dozen breeds of dogs that are confused with pits bulls and on top of that, there are, on average, only 1-2 deaths a year that are documentable, proven pit bull bites
I can't verify the death toll, but don't forget he was convicted of killing six dogs, which is probably only a fraction of the total number of deaths pre-arrest, and many of the seized dogs are considered unable to be rehabilitated, were given "life" at a shelter.
wrong again, only 3 of the dogs out of, i wanna say 67 dogs that were seized from his kennels were put down, the rest were, after the judges released them, picked up by pit bull rescue groups, a group from california picked up over 50 alone. all but the 3 who were put down have been rehabilitated and found new homes, and its either 3 or 4 of them are now certified therapy dogs, they have their canine good citizenship certificates.


Active Member
i hate threads like this , because I like allot of people here. Then i see them say something and ..... well , lets just say if you feel that PUNK didn't do anything wrong.....you cant be serious
I wonder if it would have mattered if he were white? The reason i ask is because Oprah had a show on that talked about this being a cultural thing , she seemed to believe that black people were raised with this sort of violence against animals. Is this true?
Black or white I can't see making ANY excuse for being that big of a coward.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nwdyr
i hate threads like this , because I like allot of people here. Then i see them say something and ..... well , lets just say if you feel that PUNK didn't do anything wrong.....you cant be serious
I wonder if it would have mattered if he were white? The reason i ask is because Oprah had a show on that talked about this being a cultural thing , she seemed to believe that black people were raised with this sort of violence against animals. Is this true?
Black or white I can't see making ANY excuse for being that big of a coward.
actually, whats really funny is, dog fighting spun off of bull and bear baiting, which was developed by the english gentry back in the 1800's, so for them to say its a cultural thing for black people is really funny, considering that the white, upper and noble classes in england developed it.
kinda like, scalping was a cultural thing for native americans, but in fact, the french and english introduced it to the new world back in the early 1700's, before then, native americans didnt scalp, they counted coup by hitting someone with a stick.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nwdyr
i hate threads like this , because I like allot of people here. Then i see them say something and ..... well , lets just say if you feel that PUNK didn't do anything wrong.....you cant be serious
I wonder if it would have mattered if he were white? The reason i ask is because Oprah had a show on that talked about this being a cultural thing , she seemed to believe that black people were raised with this sort of violence against animals. Is this true?
Black or white I can't see making ANY excuse for being that big of a coward.
Im not making it a rascist thing but in the black community its not unusual to see this honestly... More unusual for a black guy to go out and shoot a deer of duck or something..
I find hunting worst than what he did! When I was young I could easily go see a dog fight if I wanted to. Nvr did, but I had friends that did it No i dont agree with it, but its not the end of the world.
U know I still love u NWDYR!!!


Active Member
Much Love , my brother from another mother

The difference is a hunter is a trained killer , and the animals don't suffer like those dogs do. The living conditions and the dogs they use as "bait" to train those dogs is a sin. They keep the weak dogs alive just enough for the others to beat them. It is awful! It is a life of torture really man think about it. I am not a hunter , but what they do is NOT torture


Active Member
Originally Posted by nwdyr
Much Love , my brother from another mother

The difference is a hunter is a trained killer , and the animals don't suffer like those dogs do. The living conditions and the dogs they use as "bait" to train those dogs is a sin. They keep the weak dogs alive just enough for the others to beat them. It is awful! It is a life of torture really man think about it. I am not a hunter , but what they do is NOT torture
I understand ur point. IDK... Just not that big of a deal to me...
That vid Jenny posted (I think it was her) with the guy dangling his baby around doing gymastics with him or her was worst than that. And he should be in jail IMO!


Active Member
i guess my biggest thing is this, im much closer to animals than i am people, my gf is the same way, we would rather be around our dogs than we would other people, and i have always been that way.
when other kids were playin little league or whatnot, i was out in the pastures with the horses, out in the woods with the dogs, or what not, id sometimes get up at night, and go out to the horse pasture with my dog, and lay down in the pasture with my dog and the horses would just crowd around us and stand over me while i slept.
ive always had a way with dogs an horses, the ones that people say cant be touched or cant be caught or what not, i can catch, i can handle with immunity pretty much any dog, ive never had a dog try an bother me unless it was hurt, and even then, it didnt take much to calm him down.
thats just us, we'd rather spend time with our dogs an horses an cows than we would with other people, we're fine chattin with people,a nd dont mind hangin out with certain people, but, if we had our preference, we'd spend the rest of our days with our dogs an horses an cows.
thats just us though LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
wrong, according to all of the statistics, the percentage of actual pit bull bites is less than 5%, but there are over a dozen breeds of dogs that are confused with pits bulls and on top of that, there are, on average, only 1-2 deaths a year that are documentable, proven pit bull bites.
I knew I'd seen this argument before on SWF. Took a minute to find it.
Credit to VeniVidiVici for the OP
First Half
Second Half
Originally Posted by mboswell1982

wrong again, only 3 of the dogs out of, i wanna say 67 dogs that were seized from his kennels were put down, the rest were, after the judges released them, picked up by pit bull rescue groups, a group from california picked up over 50 alone. all but the 3 who were put down have been rehabilitated and found new homes, and its either 3 or 4 of them are now certified therapy dogs, they have their canine good citizenship certificates.
Of the 49 rescued...
2 have been euthanized euthanized.
25 sent to 7 different shelters. Some of these have been adopted.
22 sent to Best Friends in Utah were deemed potentially aggressive toward other dogs and were sent to an animal sanctuary in Utah. Some, after intensive retraining, are expected to move on to foster care and eventual adoption.

Original Article from 7/7/08