Might buy a seahorse...


Active Member
Hmmm, i have no idea what gender or species, it has cheek spines like a Kellogi, but otherwise looks like a kuda i thought it was a she but i can't really tel. I'll try and get some better pictures. can you guys describe typical SH behavior? i want to know if something isn't right.


Active Member
well there is lots of behaviar. mine usually goes around sometimes hunting for food, plays in the flow at the powerhead, jumps into the area where the filter drops water in, goes back to his favorite blue plant and rests. then does it all over again


Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
well there is lots of behaviar. mine usually goes around sometimes hunting for food, plays in the flow at the powerhead, jumps into the area where the filter drops water in, goes back to his favorite blue plant and rests. then does it all over again

Thats kinda like what mine does, play hunt rest play hunt rest Everytime i walk in and hes sitting there i get worried cuz i'm so used to a fish not swimming being bad, but once he sees me he starts swimming.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ci11337
Hmmm, i have no idea what gender or species, it has cheek spines like a Kellogi, but otherwise looks like a kuda i thought it was a she but i can't really tel. I'll try and get some better pictures. can you guys describe typical SH behavior? i want to know if something isn't right.
Lots of hunting, staring into rocks and crannys. They will snick up any bug that they can find. Hitches when not hunting. Will "visit" with you, just in case you have a shrimp or two..

Some free time swimming.


Active Member
Ahah so snick is the term for the little thing they do when they eat love watching them do that sounds like mine is behaving normally then.
I <3 my SH!


Active Member
tried to get a better pic, and failed, heres one though. Also i noticed a few white things on him. They are long and thin, any ideas? You can kinda see them in the pic.(theres one on his anal fin) Weird he was at the LFS for 2 weeks wasn't expecting parasites.


Active Member
hmmm doesn't look too bad but doesn't look like you should be completely unconcerned. of and on I'll see white things on mine but i think there different little 'bugs' on there hopping on and off swimming around and then they disappear.


Active Member
I'm afraid it might be some kinda bacteria, if it dosen't go away soon i'll just do a EW dip or maybe a table salt dip. I'll check the temp with another thermometer to make sure it's really 75ish.(the one on there is really old)


Active Member
take the temp down to 72-73 degrees for a couple days. most bacteria and parasites don't like those temps. keep it 72-75. not 75ish


Active Member
Originally Posted by ci11337
tried to get a better pic, and failed, heres one though. Also i noticed a few white things on him. They are long and thin, any ideas? You can kinda see them in the pic.(theres one on his anal fin) Weird he was at the LFS for 2 weeks wasn't expecting parasites.
Actually that photo is good. The coronet is backswept (a kuda trait) and the spines are not pronounced (another kuda trait). It is a process of elimination/comparison.
I still am not convinced she is a she. Time will out.
She is a doll. And if she is snicking often, it's a good sign. There is life in our tanks that only some amazing eyes like hers/his can watch.
Thanks for letting us all join in the fun!
Name yet?


Active Member
I was thinking maybe finny or horsey,
I don't know if i can name him or her til i no if it's a him or her. I am slowly lowering the temp a tad as zeke suggested, if the white stuff remains do you think i should give him a FW or table salt dip? Anyone know what the white stuff is? I think the thing that make SH's so "personal" is the fact that they can move their eyes to look at you. How much/often do you people feed your SH? I've been giving mine a piece or two every time i see it swimming while i'm home.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ci11337
I was thinking maybe finny or horsey,
I don't know if i can name him or her til i no if it's a him or her. I am slowly lowering the temp a tad as zeke suggested, if the white stuff remains do you think i should give him a FW or table salt dip? Anyone know what the white stuff is? I think the thing that make SH's so "personal" is the fact that they can move their eyes to look at you. How much/often do you people feed your SH? I've been giving mine a piece or two every time i see it swimming while i'm home.
I have a few sea squirts (for lack of more scientific names) that release some stringy stuff. Does the white stuff move on its own?


Active Member
no, its just kinda a white growth on it's side, it's gotta be either a parasite or bacteria (both bad0


Active Member
lowering the temp and maby even lowering the salinity to about 1.022 or 1.023 VERY slowly should make the parasite or bacteria go away.


Active Member
The LFS said they should be getting SH's and clown gobies tomorrow, Not gonna add anything yet but i'd like to reserve another SH ill probably have em hold it for a week to make sure its healthy and eating frozen. wish i knew to reserve boy or girl, not that i could tell anyway. Hope the white stuff goes away after lowering temp


Active Member
I have to differ.
If the SH is OK and you have not ID'd the white as a threat, don't change your water chemistry.
Use your tank tools and remove the "bad white" as completely as possible. Why leave it there?
If more appear, say so.