Mike22's Tank

fish addict

SPS corals need halides I think but am not sure but if you retrofitted individual reflectors on some pretty strong T5's you could keep SPS too. I would think that like 2 or 3 250W Metal Halides would be great and wouldn't be any more than you paid for your power compacts.


Very nice tank!
I would move the bigger newer live rocks to the left side myself resting directly on the sand, maybe create a cave by leaning one against the other.
Then stack the rest of the rock to the right side leaving some flat areas for your corals to rest on, but it's your tank so if this is the way you want it to look that's awesome, I find with myself i'm never happy with my aquascaping.
I'll be honest I didn't like your first few pictures you started this thread with, the tank was very dirty with no live rock but now it looks great.

I'd stop buying fish until your tank settles in for a month, I did the same thing myself before. I moved from my parents house to my own house and cleaning adding new live rock and moving really unsettled my tank.


Active Member
Ya my tank has come a ways. I don't have any plans on any more fish, just corals right now, but I'm going to buy a 55g from BabyB for a breeding tank for the clarki. The little money I got coming in will be focused on getting heaters, live rock, powerheads, etc. (I got old pumps from my 125g that I will setup on the 55g) for the 55g. Then I will be saving some and spending the rest on corals. When I got the big nice new rocks, the guy said to put the up to make them look bigger and create some caves, so I did. I will be hopefuly in the future getting a big rock for the right side to help it because everything seems to be on the left. But I'm unsure I will be able to keep the tank... who knows, another story. I will build it and enjoy it while I can :).


Active Member
Hopefully when I get back I'm going to try to blend a mushroom umbrella and regulary frag another mushroom umbrella. But this depends because we have an older neighbor teenanger watching over my tank and he has probably no experience so I will either have to get the ammonia and nitrates down or restart the whole tank process (I'm sure he crashed it or over feed, it's just what happens to everybody).


i must say ur tank is comming along very nicely and starting to fill out. that sucks about ur lighting ordeal some people just really love to screw others over. with the $600 ur parrents blew on pcs could have gotten you the haildes. bummer. but all in all ur tank is comming along awsomely. ever think about adding a powder blue?


Active Member
No even when I was buying fish I didn't. There aren't a lot of them avalible here in OK, and right now I'm done with getting fish for a while.


Active Member
Well I got back from vacation to find my plate dead, and my tank covered with algae. I did a water change and cleaned the sand and glass and no it's back to normal. I will post pics of before and after.


Active Member
First one is of my tank and second is of some of my mushrooms. Will the dead coral raise the ammonia or nitrates? I was thinking of leaving it because it looks ok in there.
