Mike22's Tank


New Member
if it where my tank, I think I would be concentrating more on the live rock than anything. That, imo, is the best way to maintain water quality. It really looks great since your makeover though.


Active Member
Ya I know. Thanks for the compliment. Tomorrow maybe my dad will take me to a place we found that sells lr for 5$ a lb, which is the cheapest we found locally. I think I'm going to try to get a big figi rock (size similar to the big on on the right side of the tank) and put it on the left and stack the smaller rock between the two.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Ya I know. Thanks for the compliment. Tomorrow maybe my dad will take me to a place we found that sells lr for 5$ a lb, which is the cheapest we found locally. I think I'm going to try to get a big figi rock (size similar to the big on on the right side of the tank) and put it on the left and stack the smaller rock between the two.
most lfs sell lr for only $5/lb. That's why I told you pet vet sucks big time. They sell stuff expensive and sickly stuff


Active Member
if you know the guy it doesnt suck he gives me great deals, i bought one feather duster and came home with 8 of them, i bought an anemone and came home with an anemone and an 8 lb rock that it was on, yes i will agree there stuff doesnt look the healthiest but the only fish store that i have found here is wet pet that there stuff looks good and both try to help you unlike reefshop, they tell you anything to make a deal


Active Member
BabyB- Of course it wouldn't suck if you knew the guy and actually gives you your money back and then some, but why even support the store when all their doing is killing off a buch of fish?
Trigga22-Great looking tank! Loved the clowns.
Barchtruong-I've checked Aquarium Concepts(5$/lb but they don't have any lr in), Wet Pets is like 8$/lb(not for sure but over 7$/lb), Jossete's Pets(8$/lb.), Reef Shop Warehouse(lr 5$/lb.). Any other place in OKC you like or found cheap lr.


Active Member
Here are some pics of my open brain coral. As the pictures will show, there is a red looking flesh that looks to be part of the coral on an open area of rock. Is it growing, or is it being nipped at?



New Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
BabyB- Of course it wouldn't suck if you knew the guy and actually gives you your money back and then some, but why even support the store when all their doing is killing off a buch of fish?
Trigga22-Great looking tank! Loved the clowns.
Barchtruong-I've checked Aquarium Concepts(5$/lb but they don't have any lr in), Wet Pets is like 8$/lb(not for sure but over 7$/lb), Jossete's Pets(8$/lb.), Reef Shop Warehouse(lr 5$/lb.). Any other place in OKC you like or found cheap lr.
I dont know how much you have to spend, but swf.com has 45-50 pound boxes on sale for 180, thats about 3.75 a lb., which includes shipping. A box like that would be enough to really fill out your reef. I purchased a box on ---- like that even cheaper. Of course, I had to cure it in a tub of salt water for about 2 or 3 weeks, with weekly water changes, but it was well worth it. The rock all purpled up, I got all kinds of sponges, and critters, and tube worms on them. I also noticed an immediate increase in overall health and appearance in my tank. I will soon post pictures, after I get my software issues worked out.


Active Member
Ya, rock from online is a lot cheaper but I'd rather get it in the tank as soon as possible and I won't have to take as long to finally get the rock in the tank. This is also a chance for me to check out the fish store out and see if they have healthy fish incase I wish to get one in the future. Thanks for the comments everyone.


Active Member
Well I picked up 49lbs of lr at Reef Shop Warehouse. I got two big nice pieces of lr, a variety of snails of which contained 2 tiger snails, that look really pretty but the bury themselves in the sand, and live algae to feed the fish. I also took some pics of the lighting system so that I could figure out what kind they are. Here are some pics:



Active Member
I believe each of those two bulbs combined are 96watts. There are 4 of those two bulbs combined so thats 384watts.


Active Member
i dont think thats enough, but i could be wrong, i have 260 wts of pc on a 55, how many gallons is yours again


Active Member
yours have three wts per gallon
i have almost 5
i guess thats not verymuch either that i have


Active Member
125g. I think it's enough because these were really expiensive lighting made for hard corals and clams. I didn't personally buy them but that's what the owner who had the broken lights said. My parents spent 600$ on it so I hope it's good.


Active Member
Well I was looking in a magazine looking to see if I could recognize my lighting so I could get the name. Then I got afraid my parents got ripped off so I compared my lights with some on the coralife website and found out my lights are the Coralife Aqualight Plus Daul Compact Flourescant w/ Moonlight of course 72".


Active Member
I'm bumping because everyone has suggested more lr but no responses to the pics with the new lr. I will get some more pics and post some here and the rest on photobucket because the fish are really enjoying the new caves and hiding places. Can't wait to fill the tank with corals now.