Mike22's Tank

mpls man

Active Member
how did you acclimate him ? i always do the drip method for at least 1-2 hours .
is everything in the tank fresh from the start ?
what are you parameters ?


Active Member
It was all the same water so we didn't acclimate. Rest seem fine though we are still looking for my 3stripe damsel. We really don't care about the cheap damsel but are extremely concerned about the expensive purple. I'm going to start testing. The temp is between 77-78 degrees F. The ph this morning was around 8.0. The salt was pretty high. I thought about waiting for the filters to lower saltanity. I'm going add some distilled water if salt is too high again.


Active Member
Could it be that he's just fasinated with his reflection? He always at first kinda stares at the reflection when we added him to the tank. His color looks fine so just wondering. The salt was pretty high so added some new water and will repeat in about 30-45 minutes.


Active Member
I think that he's fasinated by the reflection. He fights off fish getting near and bugging him and he's staying in a corner but swimming fine. We'll see tomorrow how he does.


Keep testing your parameters you might of started another cycle with moving the sand. Also how many powerheads do you have, you should have 4 x 125 which is 500 GPH. Tanks looks nice and you are going to get more LR so that will also help with the filteration. Keep up the good work
Oh, what type of lighting do you have?


Active Member
Well all the fish made it so that's good. We are rushed this morning so I'll have to test again when I get home. This may be sad but I don't know what kind of lighting I have. All I know is that the person we bought the tank from had lights that were broken and were really expensive so we sent them back to somewhere where they gave us new ones for less money.
I have three powerheads setup right now. Two penguins in the back corners and one old one that has a rotating wavemaker on it on the front corner. Thanks for the comments.


Active Member
im so excited about the sale, you should go there the day befor and check out what you want so you dont have to waist time looking
for corals you might not have enough if you dont know what kind they are, have you replaced the bulbs any, how old are they that could be causeing the alge in your tank( i think i read that you were haveing a prop with algea)
i think the live rock is going to be half off so thats like $3 per lbs


Active Member
The lighting from what the seller said, was designed for clams and hard corals so I think that is a stronger kind of lights. Today I went to wet pets and bought 35g of saltwater. I dropped of 30 at my moms and took 5 home. We also bought ph buffer and are going to mix it with the 5g before adding it to our tank. It would be cool if the live rock at the sale is half off because my dad said today he was going to buy me $50 worth of live rock but when we went to wet pets, it was like $7 per pound!
$50 would only get me like 7 lbs! Today there is no algae so I think the algae problem is over with cleaning it all out and getting much stronger filtration. I'm going to move over my 20g soon but I'm going to get it up and running because I want to quaritine my fish and other things I buy this weekend before adding it to the 125g and also I won't be able to see my tank this weekend because I'm with my mom. I saw a foxface and a blue hippo tang that I kinda liked at the store with the sale so that is some possibilities. I will probably go the day before like BabyB said to see what I like. Thanks everyone for the comments.


Active Member
Updates on the purple tang, I forgot, he is doing fine. I think he was just fascinated with his reflection. I bought a veggie clip today, but they aren't eating off it. Wonder why. Also I mixed the ph buffer in the 5gallons and I'm going to add it to my 125g. I'll test more tomorrow. :happyfish


Active Member
Just added some and at the bottom is a really cloudy water mixture. I added most of it but at the last gallon the cloudy stuff wnet in. The guy at the lfs said that the ph buffer could be harmful to corals if directly added. Should I be worried? Should I add the rest from the 5g bucket? It looks like milk in the bucket.


Did you check the Ph level of the water before you put it in? Also when you mix the saltwater and add anything try taking one of your PH out of the tank and put it in the bucket to mix the water. I do this when preparing my saltwater then leave a heater and a PH in the bucket over night. Then I test the waters SG before I place it in. With my Coralife Salt I do not have to add anything, great stuff IMO.
Also, if you ever get over to Springfield, MO I know of a place that has LR for $3.99 a pound


Active Member
The tank cleared up overnight so I learned my lesson and while probably try that method out. I guess I would have to convence my parents to roadtrip and bring back about 90lbs of lr in the back.
I like the feeding clip I got. The cleaned it up last night. Thanks for the comments.


Active Member
New problem. My 3 stripe damsel isn't doing to good. The past days he hiding in a cave of rocks but right now he's being pulled and pushed by the currents and swimming in weird positions. He sometimes is upside down or trying to swim straight up. What's up with that? He lost a lot of color on his middle stripe. His fin looks like it may have a tear. He is also breathing heavily.


Active Member
Title has probably shown I have a confirmed death in my tank. The algae clip is going to half staff for tonight. Jk. Oh well cheap fish from a junky fish store. Story of my tank. :happyfish <Fish in ocean heaven.


Active Member
Everything else is fine besides the weird actions of the purple tang last night. I think it was the stress of the move that made him sick but I don't think that killed him. He did lose a lot of color with the move. I'm not to desipointed but I did like the black and white color in the tank. I'll look at buying another or other options.


New Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Another question: Would a UV sterilizer harm corals?
I was thinking about how nice it would be to have one and wondered if it would harm the corals.

To hopefully finnaly answer your question, A sterilizer will not harm your corals. I have one on my 125, and my lps, and soft corals have been growing and multiplying like crazy under pc lighting. The uv light will kill any plankton that passes through it. This does not necesaraly mean the corals wont eat it. I also use a refugium wich contains chaetmorphia, and caulerpa, which produces some plankton, and also pods, that also produce plankton.
I was wondering how much evaporation you have, I have to put about 1.5 quarts of ro water in my sump every day to keep the salinity consistent enough to keep everybody comfy in there. Tank looks great man, keep up the good work.
P.s., swf has a sale on 50lb box of rock with free shipping right now.