Mike22's Tank


Active Member
Any critism? Any thoughts? Nothing at all? Wow, I expected at least someone to say something about the new rock. As soon as I get some more lawns in I will hopefully get some corals and try clowns again. The Reef Shop Warehouse owner said that the purple tang probably killed the percs, and I shouldn't get any more percs, (Becuase they're whimpy fish he says) but I think they died because of a crappy fish store, so I'm going to try again.


Just added some and at the bottom is a really cloudy water mixture. I added most of it but at the last gallon the cloudy stuff wnet in. The guy at the lfs said that the ph buffer could be harmful to corals if directly added. Should I be worried? Should I add the rest from the 5g bucket? It looks like milk in the bucket.-QUOTE
dude did u check ur ph without the lights on? if so yes yes its going to be low. you should check ph when you have had ur lights on for atleast 30min to an hr so u get the most acurate reading. ph buffer may be good but it is deadly. It increases your alk dramatically. I had an expierence where it was so high that it killed all fish. just trying to save you the money that i had to spend to fix this.


Active Member
Brandon, thanks for the advice. Well I tested with lights and took it in for testing again at a different place and my alk was low so we added some stuff that shouldn't harm the corals, and my ph was 8.1.
Si12ius and fish addict, thanks for the complements. I really enjoy the new rock. The fish do to and that is the important thing.


Active Member
My dad just told me my foxface has gooey stuff coming out of the spines and floating around? What is going on?


Active Member
Hey thanks for changing the title of my thread.
Also same question about the coral.
Another question: Are my lights strong enough to eventually try sps corals?


Active Member
I went to get water to do a water change at Wet Pets at Norman and I got a Lawnmower Blenny. Here are some pics.



Active Member
My dad was also about to get me a clam, and a guy asked me what kind of lights I had, and I told him I had compact flourescents, and he said only dersa clams can go under those. Is he right? Why not maximas or other kinds? The lights were supposed to be for hard corals and clams.


Active Member
I know. I'm over half the posts on here!

It's a 125g reef in the works. Coral by Coral its coming along!


Active Member
man i told you your lights were pc, i dont even think any clam would do k under them, some people do it but they lose color and just dont thrive


Active Member
Ya they're pc's. But it doesn't explain why the lady tried to tell us clams could go under there. She wasn't trying to make a profit becuase the prices match to actual cost of the lighting. Oh well, there are still plenty of other things that can go under there.