Mike22's Tank


Active Member
Thanks for finally answering my question. I'll be saving now for that and lr.
Well the sale came! :cheer: And I blew $120 on fish and food. I bought: a foxface, coral beauty angelfish, blue hippo tang(which died later due to ick. I'll tell the story later because I have questions), a fire shrimp, and two percula clownfish. Jack from 98.9 Kiss FM (oklahoma radio station) was there and my mom talked while I loaded the fish. Well I took all the fish to my mom's 20 and 10g tanks. I learned a lot about the foxface unfortunatly. One, I turns brown without light and under stress. Two, as soon as you add light it turns a beautiful yellow. I rushed acclimation because of it not looking great but when I put it in the tank, it went behind a rock burn and turned up yellow. I put the blue hippo tang in a seperate tank because I thought it might get ick, but it was doing great so I put it into the 20g later that night. The next morning I woke up to find it laying on the ground looking normal. I turned on the lights and he started swimming around. No white dots and no signs of ick. No signs at all till it was to late. Monday morning I woke up to find it dead with white spots all over, on the ground, and discoloration spots all over. I flushed it down the toliet with the molted skin of the fire shrimp. Was it ick? I thought you'd see signs of ick for a couple of days. R.I.P. Blue hippo. I didn't think all would live because the quality of the fish store's live stock isn't the best. I will get pics really soon. :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
glad you had a great time at the fish sale, i was there at 730 and they didnt open till 9, i waited in line with about 10 other people and i thought they had almost nothing, they were not stocked for the sale at all( maybe throughout the day they put more stuff in there)
i got 2 clowns, a huge anemone, a fireshrimp,a clean up crew( emerald crabs,snails, and they were going to give me an urchin but i asked for the fire shrimp instead) and a frogspawn
i was very disaplionted last years sale was so much better, they had in the tank where the clowntrigger is about 7 foxfaces that were huge and some lady baught them all


I came in late, like about 1 and there were just a few things in the tank.
I didn't get the best deals but I got a green bubble and a moon coral. great deals, no complaints. The bubble is a somewhat on the skinny side, but I have confidence my MH and my super patience will bring it back.
Well Mike, I like the make over of the tank. Be sure to spend time with it. I want to see a tank with full colors in 4 months from now.
Looks great.


Active Member
Ya it's going to take a while because I have to solve the mystery of the dying fish. My blue hippo died, then a percula died last night, and the other is acting strange. When I bought the fish the guy said there was no warranty on swf but I called and he said to bring a sample of water. I'm going to post about my other perc in the diasese and clownfish section. I'm mad at the fish store right now. :mad: :mad: :mad:


onto an old subject, your timer, i have the same one. 1st you have to set the time for your night lights to come on and turn off then program your day to turn off,your days will kick on as soon as your nights go off. after programing plug in only your nights to the strip and plug into the wall then check your programs, place on rdm by pushing the mode button then plug in your days, after you days are pluged in place it on auto by pushing the mode button agian. it should work then. i had the same problem w/ my timer but you have to follow the directions step by step and constantly check directions making sure you are following to a t. i think the maker is japanesee so the directions sound a little wierd in english version no disrespect, go chargers and im out


how long did you run your tank after the make over before the sale day last Sat?
you really need to slow..........down or just completely stop adding until you know ur tank is totally healthy for more fishes, or your new and old fishes will continue to die off.


Active Member
Ya I know. Well they did fine in a 20g so I figured they would be okay adding all at once into the 125. I guess I could have waited that out but if is wasn't for the sale I hope you know I would never add that many fish and size into my 125g. Well it's been set up here for about 2-3weeks but I bought it last summer and I bought it used with the water and live rock and sand.


Active Member
i bought 2 clowns and both of them died as well, they were acting so strange what is your clown doing now is he fine


Active Member
He died so both are dead also. He was acting wierd like he would try to swim straight up and hang out at the top. I asked and they said they didn't have a warranty on swf. I called and they said to bring a sample of water so hopefully I will get some money back or store credit. I don't think I'm going to buy a lot of fish from there any more.

mpls man

Active Member
what are your parameters at?
IMO i wouldn't have the air bubles going into the tank, i could be wrong though, micro bubles aren't good for reef tanks, your purple tang didn't look too good as well
the tank is looking good though, since your tank has only been running for 2-3 weeks it maybe still cycleing?


that pet vet is the worst place to get fishes, IMO.
their livestock is the the sickest one in town.
I was nervous when I bought the Bubble and the Brain from them last Sat. But I know corals can pull through under my strong light and prisine reef tank. Other than that, I wouldn't want any fishes from them.


Active Member
MPLS Man, I don't have an air bubbler, it's just the water coming down from the bio wheel. Everyone else is doing fine so I'm hopefully going to pet vet tomorrow with the water samples so I can get my money back. If I have to get store credit then should I get a coral? I know the temp acclimate everything but that's not bad for corals right? I figured it would be less likely to die then another fish from there. I don't know how their shark and the fish in that tank are still alive. I was scared thursday because I lost my cell phone and ipod so I thought where am I going to get that money for an ipod and the stuff for the aquarium. Luckly I found my ipod in my backpack today so I'm feeling happier. Thanks for the comments guys!

mpls man

Active Member
ok looked different from the pics....
i would see what your water tests out like.
dont you have your own water test kits ?
you should have then so you can keep an eye on things ?


Active Member
Also about the purple tang, he does have a scar on one of his sides that he has had for a while. He got cut by a rock. I've noticed some people saying he doesn't look to good so that's the only thing I see on him.


Active Member
Well I went to PetVetSupply, and I saw more dead fish, but the reason I went is because they told me to bring a water sample in. So I did. They said everything was normal but my ammonia and nitrates were high. Well I knew they weren't going to give me my money back then. They told me to do a water change and bring back a sample in a couple of days. Well I went home to test the ammonia and nitrates myself, and they turned up nothing. 0 ammonia and less than 10 nitrates. (10 was the lowest) Here are some pics I took today.
