Mike22's Tank


Active Member
For the water I mean mixed aged saltwater, ready for the tank. Or if I start mixing Sunday can I cheat and add it during the middle of the week instead of waiting a week or two?
I'd rather not say what cha means and I guess the guy at the fish store can't do much because there are not a lot of big tanks that are empty.
Progress for today:
I got all my stuff at my dads. We powerwashed the empty tank which removed most of it and washed it again. My dad made a system for adding the water into the tank without adding the algae floating around and not stirring up the sand so I can add fish right away. We move multiple 32g trash cans with garbage bag liner around it to the study. We set up a stand and put a five gallon bucket on it. Me move water from 32 to the 5 and filter algae in the water with a net. Then there is a cyphon that is constintly flowing into the 125g. So we are constantly refilling it and it isn't stirring up the sand bed. The fish are stressed and losing color. The corals are doing fine. Tomorrow we will pick up the lights and put up a background tomorrow, or should I say later today. Will get pics soon. :happyfish


Active Member
Here are some more pics from this morning. Sorry, no background so there is a reflection. Today I'm going to pick up 30g of saltwater at a lfs.



Active Member
Here are better pics. My dad and I became camera happy so there is a lot of them. I feel like I'm talking to myself because no one is responding.



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And more. Still have questions about a UV sterilizer in a reef tank. Will it kill the stuff the corals filter feed on?



Active Member
About moving the tank or adding water? Thanks. It is so nice without any algae. I'm afraid though that the star won't have any algae to eat.


Active Member
So all you did was clean the tank and move it? I ddint really get it because you were talking bout water..


Active Member
Ya, I moved my tank from my moms house to my dads house and put it in his study instead of having a loud tank in my room. I also figured we'd clean out the tank, add new filtration, clean of the big rock from algae, and strain the water that had algae in it. Now the only algae that is in the tank is in the sandbed and can't be seen. Hopefully it won't grow back.


Active Member
Ya, there is a lot more filtration then before. Hopefully it will help keep everything lookin' good.


Active Member
If algea becomes a problem it could be because of sunlight, to much light, tap water . If it isnt just clean it with the mag evreyday takes like 30 sec.


Active Member
There is a window right by the tank with no blinds yet so the tank will get hit by a strong afternoon sun. I'm going to order a clean up crew in a little while and want to get a lawnmower blenny. Also the fish I plan on eventually getting all most all are supposed to graze on algae. Thanks for the comments.


Active Member
Ya I can't wait either. I need to get more live rock. How much do you think I would need to add? This weekend I'll get some more fish and corals hopefully.

mpls man

Active Member
IMO i would put something over your window or you'll be sorry for all the alge that will grow on that side of the tank.
as far as the star your talking about ,? what kind.
most star fish need a lot of live rock.
yes you need more of that.
i have at least 140 lbs in my 75.


Active Member
We put up a black background. Here are some new pics. Also my purple tang is acting really weird. It has been normal all day but it has a scratch on one side. He is laying at the bottom breathing. It looks like he's trying to eat what algae is left on the rubber that holds the panes together. We know he isn't dying because because he's now moving normaly but still hanging out on the bottom.
Live Rock will get on the to get list for my 125g. :happyfish