Millmod Nanocube surface skimmer v1.1


I just installed my skimmer last night (I got it a week ago, but it was delivered to my OLD place accidentally) IT WORKS FANTASTIC! I would definately recommend it to anyone w/ a NC


Thanks m/0(*.*)0 (That is without a doubt the hardest user name I have ever typed! )
I am happy to hear the skimmer made it to you and is working the way you had hoped.


E-mail and invoice sent. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Attached picture is v1.2


Active Member
Bumping this thread because I purchased a v1.2 skimmer last week from Mr. Delisle (AKA: jacksdad on and received it today.
It is extremely sleek and professional looking; high quality craftsmanship. I played with it for awhile to get the water level where I wanted it. It is perfect. I highly recommend this product if you wish to eliminate the debris that collects on the surface of the water in the JBJ nano cubes.
Another very pleased customer!



hey jacksdad do you just have a cnc machine in your basement or what do you use cause that is one awesome looking product. O and where in michigan are u.


Active Member
am i just stupid or something? i still dont really see how this works. is it powered my something or is the water just pushed through it by the current? how does the water get back to the tank once it gets skimmed? its not that i dont think it works, i just dont understand HOW it works. lol, any help would be great


I wish I had a CNC at the house! I work at a die shop and I am in charge of the CNC and WIre EDM dept. I use one of our machines there. I am located in Warren.
The way the nanocube's filtration works is the water is sucked thru the intake grate on the upper left side of the tank by the pump in the last chamber. My skimmer fits over that grate and the water is forced over and through the "teeth" of the skimmer thereby causing a break in the surface tension. Suction will hold the skimmer in place, but when you turn off the return pump it will fall off. That's why I use a magnet bracket to hold in place. Hopefully this clears it up for you somewhat.
kenneth 45:
I will send you a paypal invoice for the skimmer. I just need to know which cube you have because the skimmers are different for each cube.
Thanks for the interest and the compliments,


Originally Posted by luke g
aaa why are the so expensive gunn abe hard to sell when other sellign them half the price

I don't want to debate the cost of my skimmer, but believe me when I say I do not make a lot of money selling these. From start to finish it takes about 1 1/2 hours to make one. If I were to charge what we do at work for machine time the cost would be $80.00 just for the machining, not including material cost.
I originally made my skimmer for myself and posted a pic when it was finished for comments. At the time there were no other options out there and people needed something. Since I introduced the Millmod skimmer a few other people have decided to make their own skimmers as well as JBJ. That's fine. My intentions were and are to make a handmade, highly presise, piece that fits seamlessly into the nanocube. If others sell more or I don't sell anymore so be it.


Hi Bob!
Thanks for making a great looking product. To a previous poster spending a little bit of $$ is a small price to pay to get everything running right in your cube. It's a shame to see a few hundred dollars worth of beautiful animals and rock offset by a skummy surface just lingering above it all.
Bob, please e-mail me at with an invoice for both a 12g dlx MillMod v1.2 and a 24g nanocube standard (older model) MillMod v1.2.
Garrett Smith :happyfish


Thanks for the compliments and the interest in my skimmers. I sent you an invoice for the 12DX and the 24NC skimmers. Because of the holidays I am running a little behind, but I should be able to get them out to you late next week or early the following, depending on my work load here at my "real" job.
Thanks again,