Moderator attitudes...


Active Member
I just deleted another post after I typed it out.....the sea apple post......that's about the eleventh post I decided not to post after typing it because I don't want to correct anything or throw in my opinion anywhere.....:( :mad: :( :mad:


Active Member
Boy! You want to get a post that's answered by a half dozen sharks/moderators, just dis one of 'em! Ha.
I've been on the bb for a while and I'm sure there are few posts I've made that I wish I could re-write. My mama always told me that if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all. Although sometimes I have something good to say, I just don't say it right! :)
Anyway, good job boys and girls. I, for one, appreciate the work you do as well as the other members who have their little area's expertise.


New Member
Why close this? No one is flaming and everone is staying civil. This is topic that should be addressed. Obviously a member felt strongly enough about it to stick his neck out for the axe. I commend him for it.
No, we aren't all perfect. Yes, we are all human. But the moderators, if they want to be one, have an obligation to the membership to conduct themselves with the utmost decorum and professionalism and if they can't or don't want to, then they shouldn't be moderators. No one is forcing them to be one. They could just as easily say, "No thank you, I'd rather not taken on that responsibility."
And a responsibility it is.
Don't censor something like this thread just because you don't like the topic. As long as everyone is staying civil there's no reason to cut it off. It's obviously a topic that people feel strongly about.
My friend who owns a boarding stable just had a client's horse die. Forward me the address where you would like it delivered...
Always happy to help! :D


Active Member

Originally posted by broomer5

People are people
Members are people
Moderators are people

Very true, Broomer5 and, as such, when we frequent and become members of a board like this we do what all people do and create a community. I consider myself a member of that community.
There are a few things I find interesting about this thread. One being that Richard started it and he's someone I pay attention to when giving advice, but, the most interesting is that this theme has been coming up frequently lately. Not about mods in particular but you can find curt and sometimes rude replies by members in general. I've been here almost a year and a half and I can say that recently the "tone" of this board has taken a turn for the worse and there doesn't seem to be much of a sense of community.
OT threads on this board used to be a lot of fun, things that would get you really laughing. Check out the first "people behind the threads", the one that got Ryebread to put pics up on a website. Yes, even the red sponge. If I signed on and checked those threads after a hard or stressful day at work, I cruised this board with a smile on my face and that reflected in questions I asked and answers I gave.
Why is it the members of this board are even addressing a question that asks would we rather have good advice with attitude or bad advice with a smile? I would prefer good advice with a smile. :) We used to have that here. I think we've lost some good members participation by some of the attitudes shown around here lately.
Yes, there are always troublemakers and always will be but, they used to be handled with humour (English spelling for Tim) or if they were bad enough, quietly behind the scenes. Now it seems like a lot of people have gotten on some high horse that I totally blame on golfish's evil twin BigMac and his "Responsible Aquarist" thread. ;) :rolleyes: Seriously, though things have been going downhill. The sense of community and shared love for this hobby that I used to feel on this board has been severely downgraded and I'm really not sure why. No one whose advise I care to take has ever given me anything other than good advice in a nice manner but, others have. I had to take my email off my sig line because of a rude, hateful email I got recently. I've been around here a while and never had I gotten an email that referred to anything other than the hobby. A mod took care of it right away but, I was really surprised to get some tacky email from a member here in the first place.
Lately, I've had a couple of questions but handled them through personal emails rather than here. I would have never done that before. I would have put it out there to see what advise I got. Now a poster can't be sure what idiot is going to post a rude comment or infer that they are stupid. Even if I don't pay attention to the bad advice or the idiot response, it doesn't mean that other people aren't reading the thread. I have read threads here recently where someone has actually done a search and re-read a thread starters posts for the sole purpose of accusing them of lying, being stupid, not taking good advise etc. What a waste of time! Why spend the minutes of life given you in such a useless manner. Don't respond and the people who post for just such reactions will go away. People who are sincere will benefit from your restraint, stay and learn. It's that simple.
Mods - whether you like it or not, whether it's in the "charter" or not, whether it's policy or not, members of this board are going to think you are "experts", "more experienced" or have some knowledge above the average hobbyist or you would not be mods. There would be no need for you. The Mods are the community leaders and like it or not, you have the ability to set the tone of the board. If you don't have the time, or are too tired or whatever, don't answer. If you are burnt out being a mod, resign, it's not like your livelihood depends on it. From what I understand you are volunteers anyway. You don't have to be a mod, be a member. That being said, we all need to lighten up a little bit around here, myself included.
Dang, I think I broke my ankle getting down off my soap box. more thing, if you want to bash swf don't do it here there is another board for that.......oh yeah, one more thing, should I buy a pair of the black and white percs?

richard rendos

Active Member
Wrassecal - I have been thinking the same thing lately....
....Should I buy a pair of black percs? I think "YES" is the appropriate response.


New Member
This is the way I feel as well and why I think this thread should stay open.
And how are you coming with the diatoms Wrassecal? Gone now I imagine?


Active Member
Waterfaller1 - I want to address your statement as I think it is a reflection of part of what I'm trying to say here and because the word "clique" was mentioned in the hateful email I received. When I first joined this board and was new I didn't have any idea about some of the "inside" jokes or references that were made. It was like when I first married my husband. It took time before our memories were ours and not our memories from being with other people. Now, when I read something I generally was involved somehow or read it and know what is being referred to. It wasn't like that in the beginning. Anywhere you go in your life when you are new it takes a while to get in the flow. All communities have new members, old members and in-between members. In addition, they have even older members who drop back in once in a while. The thing is the community has to be welcoming enough for the new members to want to stay around. Here is the most important thing. Even though I was here for the red sponge, won Broomer5's avatar contest (still waiting for my prize), etc. etc. That's not why I stayed, it's just what made it more of a community. The reason I stayed is because without help from people like Adrian, Broomer5, Beth, Bang Guy, Sammy, NMReef and others I would not have a sw tank today. I would have given up many times if these people had not been here to support me and give me alternatives to the way I was doing things. It's just lately that things seem to have gotten off kilter here. edit: and I wouldn't have my really cool digi cam if it wasn't for Ryebread:)


Active Member
Wrassecal......that is a good point......just like starting a new you go around high fiving the coworkers on day 1? Of course know what's funny? I was complaining about two or three years ago on another board that their clique sucked....:rolleyes: I thought they didn't pay me enough attention.....wrassecal, I also think we have always argued and debated here......I just think a lot of the old timers are gone, and the new folks feel like they are getting slammed instead of being invited into a debate....:( Remember the ten page long debate about religion or evolution in the old OT forum?? :D Remember Trey verse TerryB in the disease forum? classic! :D Ten thousand lighting arguments, five hundred arguments about tangs in 30 gallons, two hundred about skimmer or not, etc........this isn't exactly a new topic here....I have had to defend myself in posts identical to this one atleast 40-50 times since I've been a mod.....I still come back each day and forget about it later.....we don't have to delete this one, another will come up later. :) I do not represent, and really my only duties are to talk fish and remove anything that breaks the rules.....who here is an "expert"? step forward, prove it, and of course a true expert will be made a mod.......nobody is an expert. I just changed my signature to have a disclaimer, but,..........If anyone comes here and believe since I am a mod, that I should know everything......too bad, I don't. Even the books you read by top authors on the hobby have tons of mistakes in them......