Mods post your pics!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by morales67
ive noticed that some mods hardly even post

some mods only like to post in certain sections


I thought this thread was about face shots.

There are many tank shots out there. Or at least partial tank shots...


Active Member
nm reefs have posted pics of his tank. but most of them are macro shots of his corals and pics of fish. i have never seen a full tank shot of his tank. maybe i just forgot i dont know


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I thought this thread was about face shots.

There are many tank shots out there. Or at least partial tank shots...

thats how it started


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
thats how it started

read the very first post.
it very clearly say
"I want to see your tanks"


Originally Posted by oceana
this will make me seem like a jerk but IMO some of the most informative people and mods that I encounter on the message boards i go to always seem to have some of the worst tanks I have seen. heck some mods that i know of dont even have tanks anymore.
I guess they spend so much time helping others with there tank they never even bother to work on there own.
I am not saying that about any mod on this board or about any one specific. thats a very in general comment
Also not to cast blame on the mods here but I agree. I've noticed that the people who most insist on 2 lbs or MORE of LR per gallon usually have about 9 oz's of LR in their tanks!


Active Member someone helping you with your tank while your shoulder is healing? (or waiting for surgery??)


Active Member
Originally Posted by NM reef
I havw posted numerous pics.....but to please this request.....
whats the huge dark spot?? if there an overflow there of something with a strang shadow?


Active Member
A moderator, they watch the forums and make sure everybody stays "in line" and behaves themselves.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea someone helping you with your tank while your shoulder is healing? (or waiting for surgery??)
The wife and son help a lot here at the house and at the 240 reef/100 bow front/120 developing reef/29 gal reef/ 120 freshwater/90 freshwater/90 in wall reef/ that I maintain....I can do a lot of the maintenance but all lifting is done by them.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
whats the huge dark spot?? if there an overflow there of something with a strang shadow?
That "V" shadow is the center brace blocking the light. If I ever develop another system it'll have euro bracing and no center brace to block light.