Mods post your pics!!!


Active Member
Thanks Guys....
But just so people don't think everything always goes perfectly well for Mods...or that we have some "secret" info not available to the general public..
Perhaps I should post a pic of my Fuge...with a Ummm..."Cold"....
P.S. MH lighting and Caulurpa do not mix...PC much better...


Active Member
Only thing I've changed was the lighting...
Went from 130 PC to 150 MH and and in 4 weeks developed "snot"... (was hoping for increased growth of Macros)
Pulled all Macros, Cleaned fuge, reset sand bed and tried again 4 weeks and snot redeveloped...
Pulled all Macros again, cleaned Fuge and switched back to 130 PCs (very old 10Ks) and been three weeks no noticeable reoccurance...Initial hypothesis MH light waves (10K HQI) initiated some sort of "bacterial" bloom...but need to send sample somewhere for analysis
Side note, other fuge with "double" PCs (260 watt) did MUCH better (thicker and faster Macro growth) so it wasn't the increased wattage as much as the change of frequency range causing bloom...


Active Member
Well, I certainly don't claim to have the best or most beautiful, but it is growing in and I'm generally happy with it. Long way to go though to be up there with the rest of these guys
They inspire me too, with tanks and with their photography!!!

Yes, BTW, I do have an Anthelia background on the tank. I don't have the heart to rip it off, and the LFS already gets a bunch.



Active Member
Everyone's tanks looked so great eally nice.Its got to be hard doing the job of moderating, keeping up with the hobby plus your lives and a job.I'm tired just thinking about it! :scared: My hats off to you guys