Originally Posted by
No, conservatives have rally's that throw personal attacks against their opponents, calling them terrorists and who knows what. They now spend every waking hour PhotoShopping pictures and putting Obama's face in them, instead of trying to support their President and give the guy a chance to turn things around. I've been tagged as a Liberal. If you have a beef against Obama, I don't call you a racist. The only one's doing that are the African Americans, and that's both liberal and conservative-minded. Uh, segregation went out in the 50's. So I guess you want to allow the kids on the poor side of town to be able to attend the school's where the 'rich kids' go. School systems can handle just so many kids. Who'll pay for the transportaion of those kids to get to the other side of town? I know, MY TAX DOLLARS. So you want to RAISE taxes so kids can go to any school they want. Isn't that opposite to how conservatives think? I've never agreed with our Federal tax system. I've always been a proponent of a flat tax. Everyone pays the same rate no matter how much you make. Unfortunately, that'll never happen. You rail Obama about taxing the rich, yet his proposal is to increase taxes on anyone making over $250K from 34% to 39%. Wow, a whopping 5%. My local County Appraisal District just raised the value of my home another 10% this year. When houses are practically being given away, I have to pay 10% more in property taxes because apparently my home value has gone up. I'd take a 5% increase in my salary any day.
Not sure what kind of a response that is. You telling me no white liberals have called those who opposed Obama racist? I guess you missed all the stories about that twit Garafolo saying the people doing the tea parties were racists. So the Republicans have held rallies and called the Democrats names, and your point is? The Dems do the same thing and say just as nasty iof not more nasty stuff.
As far as whining about people not willing to give Obama a chance I was just wondering where you've had your head stuck the last 8 years? People were on Bush from day one.
I am about as anti-Obama as you'll find and I did give him a chance, in fact you can probably find a few posts from me here stating I was hoping for the best. Once it became obvious that Obama was going to out spend Bush I started to give up hope. He has definitely shown himself to be the left wing extremist many of us thought based on his record and words. Why would I support him when his policies are going to ruin the country? Look at the amound of BS programs they threw in the spendyouless package they put together. I was totally behind the idea of pouring money into infrastructure to create jobs but we need to look at slashing spending on social engineering programs, not increase them.
Why should only those at the top pay taxes? For all the left's whining about tax cuts for the rich the so-called rich had their overall share of the tax burden increased under Bush. I don't mind increasing taxes on those at the top, I just oppose increasing their taxes so you can give the money away to people at the bottom. I was a big supporter of the reform party's platform of no new spending and no tax cuts until the national debt was paid off.