Most agressive for 180


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
A bit overpriced IMO, I think a Huma is prettier for about 1/10th the price, the Lunula's I see are typically around $300
Looks like a really expensive Assasi.
I agree. There are several very similar triggers and I think the Lunula is so expensive because it is harder to come by; and its Australian. Lots of hobbiests will pay a premium just to have a rare fish, like rare artwork. More of a collectors item type fish, IMO.
Good news and bad news
Bad news:
They were out of the clown trigger and said it would be until a while till they get it back
Good news:
For the incovience they gave me two cuttlefish eggs for 40$
He said they are dwarf and IHO should not be kept in a 180 but rather a 40
Any ideas why not 180? Make it a huge cuttle fish tank?


Active Member
maby it's like dwarf seahorses. i don't know much about cuttlefishes but i kow dwarf horses need smaller tanks because there too small to find food and such in a large tank. just a thought.


Active Member
Cuttlefish (the kind for birds, without additives) come from cuttlefish and make great gnawing supplements for triggers, puffers, etc. Going from a CT to cuttlefish is like night & day; unless you're reallt committed to years with a CT, I'd wait. Patience is a real high priority in this hobby.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
are titan triggers really that agressive? i always heard clowns were......also for my 180 tank what equipment will i need? such as skimmer right now i only have nanos so ima need alot of help
Look at the teeth on the titan trigger....that's crazy!!!
Well the lfs wont do any im stuck with cuttle fish eggs a 180 tank and no where to go from their.........right now i stuck the eggs in a sort of a incubator...........Can any one really lend alot of help on a dwarf cuttlefish?
I nko tonomo (not a competetor site) has info but i was also wondering if any one here had luck................


Titan Triggerfish. I got one. I had the same idea for one fish in one tank. He is about 3-4 inches. He grows very slow. I had him for about 6 months and he doesn't look like he grown at all. They grow almost the same rate as a Humu Humu. I have a Humu Humu for about almost a year already and he hasn't grown much. All my other triggers doubled to tripled in size.

el guapo

Active Member
Honestly I can't remember ever seeing anything about cuttlefish on this site . But as you said that other site would be your best option.


New Member
I Have heard the Undulate Tiggers are pretty mean, a friend had one and he said it ate every thing in the tank including his lion.. I thought about getting on for my aggressive tank but I am afraid it will eat every thing..I have also heard the angler fish and stone fish are cool to watch