Most agressive for 180

I want to buy a 180 and want the meanest of the mean in it now i would only like a total of one fish in it..... i would like one that doesnt like anything or anyone and will cause havoc and chaos to anything thats in their

any suggestions?
i was hoping a clown trigger (a big one) or some sort of killer
or maybye some sort of large octopus
I am really hoping for a VERY VERY large fish that loves to be solo, please no small fish.


Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
I want to buy a 180 and want the meanest of the mean in it now i would only like a total of one fish in it..... i would like one that doesnt like anything or anyone and will cause havoc and chaos to anything thats in their

any suggestions?
i was hoping a clown trigger (a big one) or some sort of killer
or maybye some sort of large octopus
I am really hoping for a VERY VERY large fish that loves to be solo, please no small fish.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
I want to buy a 180 and want the meanest of the mean in it now i would only like a total of one fish in it..... i would like one that doesnt like anything or anyone and will cause havoc and chaos to anything thats in their

any suggestions?
i was hoping a clown trigger (a big one) or some sort of killer
or maybye some sort of large octopus
I am really hoping for a VERY VERY large fish that loves to be solo, please no small fish.

Clown trigger , undulated trigger , Tesseleta eel , Black edge moray ?
ok i searched them up and i like the clown and undulated trigger and the moray now another question is what would i give them to eat and do i need alto of lr if any? Also if i get the triggers will they outgrow the tank? or be good for their stay?
and final question would a queen trigger be to big to keep for about a 1 in a 180 by its self?

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
ok i searched them up and i like the clown and undulated trigger and the moray now another question is what would i give them to eat and do i need alto of lr if any? Also if i get the triggers will they outgrow the tank? or be good for their stay?
and final question would a queen trigger be to big to keep for about a 1 in a 180 by its self?

YOu still need LR it is vital to filtration . Offering meaty foods such as fresh shrimp, clams, squid is a good diet combined with a quality frozen such as ocean nutriton formula 1 and 2 . You can also offer triggers sheets of nori(seaweed) .
A gueen trigger WILL
out grow a 180 with in a short amount of time . They are extremely aggressive and will cause you lots of problems in the long run . I stricktly advise against a queen trigger for all but the most serious of aquarist .


Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
ok i searched them up and i like the clown and undulated trigger and the moray now another question is what would i give them to eat and do i need alto of lr if any? Also if i get the triggers will they outgrow the tank? or be good for their stay?
and final question would a queen trigger be to big to keep for about a 1 in a 180 by its self?
tell him crash!!all those triggers should be 1 fish per fish tank (according to the 99%ers)


Active Member
If you want an awesome aggressive fish that isnt often done, go with octopus. They only live 2 years and so will probably need to be replaced and they have special tank requirements, but man they are awesome and smart.


Active Member
An undulate is not a large trigger, a 180 would be alot of tank for that single fish, you could do a clown or blue line trigger, if you want a huge show fish consider a puffer, stars &stripes, mappa etc, they get huge


I say go with a big clown trigger( i would love to have one of those one day) and a big nasty eel. The ell will just hang out all day and look nasty!!!


I say a tessalata eel or a big satars and stipes puffer. The puffer isnt that aggresive but man they are awsome and have lots of personality


If you really want the most agessive fish, one that gets really large, for sure get a Queen Trigger. If I had a 180 and was gonna keep just 1 fish, that's what it'd be.
i have found a trigger for sale at my lfs and its a Titans trigger its 30 $ and only 3 big do they get? They also have a 1 foot clown trigger and a 2 foot moray eel
I am looking to see if a panther grouper would grow too large? i just heard they are ugly later on........i would just like one large colorful fish so i dont need to buy any special light and etc just a skimmer, and filtration plus some lr.
would the mappa grow too large?


Active Member
The titan trigger would be a great fish to have as a specimen. They are the meanest and most beautiful triggers IMO.
They however get up to 30-36". They are easily the largest triggers and most aggressive. Your 180 will suffice for a couple of years with it being 3".


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
They are easily the largest triggers and most aggressive. Your 180 will suffice for a couple of years with it being 3".
Largest commonly commercial available trigger
Stone Trig might have a thing or two to say about that.


Undulate triggers are hostile, adult damsels are hostile, some dotties are rediculously nasty, groupers are savage eaters.