Most Expensive Fish?


Active Member
The most I've ever spent on a fish was $38 for an Eibli Angel I had in a FOWLR tank years ago.
Though a LFS near me usually has a Conspiculatus Angel or two for sale at $2,000 a pop. They also occasionally have rare stonefish that sell for between $1,200 and $1,500.


oh boy this reminds me of a story. do these stonefish happen to be rhinopius scorpions/ i remember when Conogre ( i think) got his for 80$ on a lfs mislabel. They had it as a striated angler and it was really a 1200 dollar fish. God sometimes i love those stupid Lfs''s


New Member
We saw a Clarion Angel for sale at a LFS for $5000! Can you believe that? I rather spend the $ on something else!



Originally posted by Aidos
i spent $140 today on a royal gramma. Why so much u ask?? I live in Australia and thats wat they go for. God i hope nothin bad happens to him. seems to be goin well, today anywayz. :happyfish

omg ours was 7.99


Active Member
wow summa ya have spent tons on fish ive only so far spent 19.99 fer a rock of some zoos and shrooms havent got any fish yet though


My most expensive so far was my blue spot leopard wrasse. £30.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aidos
just some prices of fish that are common in America but not i Australia.
Yellow Tang $180
Flame Angel $190
Clown Trigger $220
get very expensive but oh well.
Just curious, are those prices in US dollars?


Active Member
My most expensive fish was a 5-6" Harlequin Tusk for $125 bought 4 years ago, had him for 3 years before he died of ick.


I have spent $30 on many fish, that's about my mst expensive. Pakistani Butterfly, Panther grouper, and a couple of Lions. All of those died but the grouper, and I just got another lion yesterday for $27.
$180 for a yellow tang??? DAMN
I want a clown trigger so bad, but can't find one for a good price. I did see one for $69, and he was pretty descent size, but I don't want to drop that much on a fish yet.

sinner's girl

In the past it was 30-40 for my Yellow Tang, they were cheaper at other places, but I wanted this tang.
In sept. I might be paying $34 for a Lunar Wrasse. I refused to pay too much for a fish. $140 for a fish? No way!
I'm mad because the clowns at one store are $24.99, at ***** they are 12.99 but they don't look as nice...on this site they are 14.99, and even if I were to allow myself to buy fish online, I can't add 79.00 worth of fish to my tank, and I can't afford another $94 order (9.99 surchange, 2.99 fual charge adding to subtotal).
Wouldn't it be cheaper to have someone from the US ship fish to Australia? Even if you lost a few in the mail, it'd be cheaper. I mean 8 bucks here, you spend 120?


New Member
I have spent $1200 on a conspic angel...$200 on a goldflake angel...$180 on a japanese blue line angel and i got lucky and got a red rhino for $65 from a store with no clue. At this point all are doing well.

sinner's girl

Ya'll spend more on your fish than I did my car...even if I had money no way would I spent 1200 on a fish.


Not a fish...but $800.00 on a 18" gigas $300.00.. for a black tang...


A Clown trigger for $200? i saw one at Petland $20 it was tiny though baby 2inches
Let me see how much did i spend...$0.00 on my uncooked cocktail shrimp that the guy at kingkollen gave me i think every1 spends more on the stuff to keep the fish alive...Im about to order $100 of LR so i guess that is a fish kinda....i still dont get why Rock cost more then Fish beond me... All well