Originally Posted by
The one in Spring Hill is still open...Tanks a Lot. It moved from 19 to Spring Hill Drive...close to the parkway entrance. I have stopped there on occasion. And one in Port Richey-AquaLinks; not bad, just far! Thought u might know somewhere closer...TY
I don't know of either of those. There was another in springhill 'get tanked'.
Where is AquaLinks?
There is another around Ridge Rd/Congress(new port richey) called Aquatic Visions.
One off Ridge rd (new port richey) Bobs feathered friends.
A few PetCos around.
PetLand Dale Maybry and Van Dyke (Lutz I think)
PetCity 54 a couple miles east of land o lakes blvd.
and of course Marine Warhouse (tampa) off hillsborough ave. about a half a mile east of sheldon rd.