Originally Posted by I<3Reefs
Don't be surprised if your Chromis start picking on the smallest one. I had 3 and they beat up on one regularly, but they never killed him, 40 degree water took care of that. Did you make your automatic top-off unit? I have to figure out how to do that as my next project.
Ya Got the auto top off going It has a float switch inline with the pump power in the top off water tank. It holds 10 gallons and last about 6-7 days.
The female will not let him near the male.... and he stays under her or the nest.
Don't be surprised if your Chromis start picking on the smallest one. I had 3 and they beat up on one regularly, but they never killed him, 40 degree water took care of that. Did you make your automatic top-off unit? I have to figure out how to do that as my next project.
Ya Got the auto top off going It has a float switch inline with the pump power in the top off water tank. It holds 10 gallons and last about 6-7 days.
The female will not let him near the male.... and he stays under her or the nest.