Originally Posted by bullitr http:///forum/post/3208319
uv sterilizer install ( only 18 watts from old system)
mimic tang and desjardinii tang kick the bucket.
sorry to hear that.. you think it has anything to do with the play sand?
I think it get harrashed by my black and white clown and develop some ick
nothing died on the main tank yet knock on wood.my frag tank is link to my display.
the ick on my tank plus other factors kills:
yellow tang
half black mimic tang
tomini tang
desjardinii sailfin tang
australian butterfly
blue spot jawfish
purple queen anthias
hopefully it stop soon!
Tanks are looking good. I am sorry to hear about the ick killing your fish, that just sucks. I hope it stop soon. Well at least their is good news on the horizen.(sp)?