Equipment and routines
2 Tunze 6205
2 Tunze 6215 wavebox
Bubble magus dosing pump T01
4 coralvue ballast dimmable 250 watts
4 lumenarchs 3 mini reflector
Reeflo dart return
Neptune apex controller
2 walmart fan controlled by apex
Fdnw 400 skimmer
2 Aqualifter and maxi jet 1200 for kalkwasser tap off if ph below 7.90
3 parts using Randy's Recipe
Calcium 150ml
Baking soda 150ml
Magnesium 100 ml
No heaters,no filter socks, no more vodka dosing and no more refugium
Still feed heavily 40 to 50 cc of homemade food
No actual water changes since January 2009 water from my old 300
Future Plans
I am thinking of switching 2 metal halide
Remove uv sterilizer and switch to Ozone
No more corals except red planet.