my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade


Active Member
I broke some of the colonies in to pieces but still pretty big
its hard to put it in the tank without a lot of movement the purple is extreme bright I don't know how long it can keep that color on some nutrient water.


Active Member
That sucks.....I just love RO stories....I did it a few years back, got lazy and didn't hook the RO line to the float valve and at some point it over filled the RO container and proceeded to flood my downstairs......It was caught 16 hours after the fact......


Active Member
That's why I need to be more redundant but the drywall is close to being done so I am happy
also I finally caught my large evil Solon wrasse replace it with 3 small ones hopefully that are not so stress out from the large solon chasing them before for few minutes before I caught the large one.