my 5.5 gallon nano diary : D

haha i actually had SWF open in a different tab, i had my email open because i had to download the pictures then load them onto photobucket so i had my email open after i took the pics. you are all getting camera phone pictures until the tank actually looks good. Went to homedepot shortly after taking those pictures and bought 2 5 gallons tubs 1 for salt water 1 for fresh. Im going to get water, a heater, sand, and rock hopefully between classes tomorrow. Then filling it up and getting it going shorty after that. I need to find like a gallon container though to get an extra gallon of salt : //


Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
I need to find like a gallon container though to get an extra gallon of salt : //
do what i did i bought a $0.99 1 gallon distilled water jug from my grocery store it works great as an extra 1 gallon container

cant wait to see this tank up and running
oh sweet that would work perfectly, i just need something to help top my tank off and that would actually work well for water changes. Im going to my lfs tomorrow. I dont have anything but the tank filter and lights and i will buy a heater lr and sand like i said before. Any other suggestions of what to buy for a start? i cant think of anything off the top of my head
ugh on my 10 minute break from my class, one more hour till i can speed off to my lfs and get all my rock sand ect soooo excited!!!!
pictures!!! the aquascaping isnt for sure yet, im keeping the big guy on that side might mess with the little pieces on the right to get some caves or something. I guess the big piece on the left is from some dudes 125g he tore down due to his illness. The LFS i went to tried to convince me that i needed a damsel to cycle my tank or else it will take 6-8 weeks. I was like uhh wtf are you high thats so inhumane and the lr and sand will work. He continued to bother me to get a damsel so i was like if anything ill use a shrimp. needless to say i will no longer be going to that store.
anyhow here are some pictures

with my friend holding the light

how it looks now, i need to build a little thing to hold my lights above it.
salinity came out to like 1.026. mixed it myself is that too salty?


Active Member
no thats good. mine tank is at 1.024
and lol every lfs wants to sell us damsels. you can just use the shrimp as you said or a chromis lol.
and love it man. and that like a big show piece of lr.
do i need to put shrimp or can i just put the lr and sand? if i need a shrimp ill go buy one tomorrow just seems like i dont need it maybe. I keep adjusting my aquascaping i might go bust that big rock in 2 and see if i can get one piece on both sides and make a little shelf on top but i dunno its annoying and i want it perfect lol


Active Member
well to start the cycle you get a raw shrimp. ask someone here. you could leave just the ls and lr but idk. ask sorry
yeah w.e ill go buy a shrimp tomorrow at the store and throw it in, it not like it will cost me much. rearanged the rock work a bit tried to give myself a nice sand bed right infront so i could have a place to put some corals later


Active Member
I say stick with just the yashia and pistol shrimp combo. I am sure if thats only fish you have in there, you'll see them all the time :) It will be fun indeed and if that picture is f your gf , She is beautiful :) well goodluck and tank looks like its comin along great
haha thanks that is my gf, thanks : D
im thinking max ill have yashi pistol and maybe a clown, gotta have something for the ladies at school to be like OMG NEMO and not think im a freak for having this tank haha
just went to safeway to get a little shrimp, i asked the guy for just one and he had the most puzzled look on his face and i didnt give him the satisfaction of an answer as to why i needed only one. I hope he is at home tonight pondering it : D
i had a question though, i notice after about 2 weeks my desk is pretty dusty not too bad but enough that i notice, with an open top will that effect my tank at all? i dont think that much dust iwll get in there but theres a chance it will
meh random picture update, i got the lights on there with pvc pipe but its blocking the light and i dont really like how it looks or trust the set up, gunna try and fix it in the next few days
got my water tested today
ammonia 1ppm
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
took out the shrimp i had in there hopefully ammonia will go down a bit and trites will kick in
also went to TAP plastics and got a little cover made its about 1/2 inch thick so i could get rid of my ghetto ass pvc pipe set up

im so excited :DD


Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
got my water tested today
ammonia 1ppm
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
took out the shrimp i had in there hopefully ammonia will go down a bit and trites will kick in
also went to TAP plastics and got a little cover made its about 1/2 inch thick so i could get rid of my ghetto ass pvc pipe set up
im so excited :DD
did you take your water to a LFS? you should own your own test kits

almost there you should decide on whats going in first

looking good!! keep it up!!
yeah i know i should have my own test kits, i just blew like 125$ on everything so money is semi tight right now especially with having a girlfriend and no job haha. Ill get them sooner or later but for now i dont mind the drive to my lfs
first thing is a CUC then probably either a clown or yasha goby