my 5.5 gallon nano diary : D


Active Member
Oh yeah, they are beautiful. Take a look at shrimpi's thread, I think it is in the share your aquarium or photography section, she has a great pic of hers, it is ridiculous.
heh they look so cool! So i had a question, when i go to feed my tank when i get some stuff in there should i turn my filter off? let them eat for a few minutes then turn it back on?


Active Member
That's how I do it, when there is only a little left in the water. I turn the pumps back on and then the chase is on


Active Member
lol. i love to see my fish chase the mysis shrimp from side to side in the tank. lmao its funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its like a dog chasing a cat
alright thats what i was thinking of doing, i was afraid the filter and flow from the filter would just blow the little that was left away and my inverts wouldn't be able to get any food : (
i reallllly hope my water parameters look good tomorrow im hoping for a quick cycle : )


Active Member
well you wont get it that quick unless you had like cured lr and cured ls and um idk what else. lol. thats what i did. and it finish in a 1 and a half!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got like 7 pounds of rock in there and 5 of it came from a very established tank so im hoping that will speed things up, but im in no rush so im not going to jump the gun.
fa sho, im still not sure what ill do.
getting my water tested today after i go to class so hopefully parameters are looking like the cycle is going strong
mehh ammonia is still at 1ppm nitrite and trates are both at 0.
anyone think i should toss a damsel in there to get it going? they keep bugging me to at the lfs but ifeel bad : /
got my water tested today, LFS says my shits gunna take another month or so i dont believe that as much
I got ammonia : .5 down from 1ppm
Nitrite is still 0
Nitrate is up to 20
What do you guys think? Her advice to me was "if you put any fish in there to speed it up they will die instantly due to the high level of ammonia, the .5 IS VERY VERY HIGH. I suggest you either wait another month or 2 which is how long i know it will take since you didnt cycle with a fish. Live rock die off and live sand wont cycle a tank ive been working on this for 15 years and i cant get it to happen. You should take all the water out and restart with new water and put in a fish."
your opinions? to me it looks like the cycle is working its course as expected with the dead shrimp i had in there for a two days. I think im getting some coraline algae growth on the rocks aswell. Is she wrong or am i just really rusty on my kknowledge? I never once told a customer (neither did my fellow co workers) to cycle a tank with a fish and we wouldnt let some people buy a fish until they had good water parameters..
i dunno, i know my ammonia did spike since it went from 0 to 1 and is now .5 still waiting for nitrites to spike, she insisted that die off from rock and the dead shrimp is actually bad for my tank and will kill all the beneficial bacteria i need. And that because of that the ammonia will just chill there and the nitrite will never go up....anyone else wanna clear things up for me? Everytime i go to this fishstore i get another story, i just like the free water tests


Active Member
no that is what is supposed to happen. just wait mine is taking forever for any thing to spike. and the die off is what helps the cycle.
k thats what i thought, any one else have any thoughts on this? Specifically those of you who cycled a tank with lr live sand and a shrimp? Or just cycled a tank without using damsels because this is really really bothering me