my 5.5 gallon nano diary : D

yeah i really wanna throw a fuge on there, there isnt much room in my aquaclear unless i take out all the filter media. I was thinking of leaving the filtermedia it came with in there and buying a little 8$ nano filter they have on this site and throw in some chaeto with a tiny light.
What do you think? Any suggestions? i know the sponge on the aquaclear can become a nitrate trap so i was thinking maybe take that out, move the carbon to the bottom with whatever the little white things are on top of that and some chaeto on top of all of that?
what do you think? i really want a fuge
edit: also found some bristle worms about 6-8 of them they had a little red on them, they should be ok right? and i also may have found an apistatia (sp) so im a little worried about that but darn its nice to see something alive in my tank


Active Member
Bristleworms are a beneficial scavenger, just think of them as the really ugly part of your cuc. As for the aiptasia, get rid of them. Aiptasia x works well, the cheapest way is boiling water or lemon juice. You can also take kalkwasser paste and smear it right over the aiptasia, then wave
yeah i was going to try the boiling water method. Hopefully it actually is apistatia because its tuck away in a little cave in a rock so its hard to see it but its worth a try


will the boiling water effect the tank in general??
i want to try the kw... but right now i have a peppermint shrimp that will hopefully eat it up


Active Member
As long as you don't spray other corals with it you should be fine. Also make sure you are using your top-off water and not tap


Originally Posted by subielover
As long as you don't spray other corals with it you should be fine. Also make sure you are using your top-off water and not tap

can i use my RO/DI water boiled in a turkey baster? i can try it if the peppermint doesnt eat it in a week
haah dont worry i was planning on using RO/DI
I'm thinking about doing a 10-20% water change today and adding my snails. I also need a new heater i think because the one i have gets me to 80 with my lights on then at night it gets so cold with our window open that the tank drops to 70. 10 degree changes are not a good thing


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
yeah i really wanna throw a fuge on there, there isnt much room in my aquaclear unless i take out all the filter media. I was thinking of leaving the filtermedia it came with in there and buying a little 8$ nano filter they have on this site and throw in some chaeto with a tiny light.
What do you think? Any suggestions? i know the sponge on the aquaclear can become a nitrate trap so i was thinking maybe take that out, move the carbon to the bottom with whatever the little white things are on top of that and some chaeto on top of all of that?
what do you think? i really want a fuge
edit: also found some bristle worms about 6-8 of them they had a little red on them, they should be ok right? and i also may have found an apistatia (sp) so im a little worried about that but darn its nice to see something alive in my tank
the only media in the aquaclear you might even want to consider keeping is the carbon unit... and use a plastic grate to keep the chaeto in place like the plastic fish divider.
sigh, my lfs gave me a "cerith snails are like a special order herer they are random..." So i ended up just getting ripped off on 4 nassarius snails and decided no more of that lfs for anything but water. I guess ill just have to make the 15 minute drive to my other lfs. Sigh oh well the snails are chillin in their bag getting water acclimated then imma toss them in. finally some movement : D
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
the only media in the aquaclear you might even want to consider keeping is the carbon unit... and use a plastic grate to keep the chaeto in place like the plastic fish divider.
so I'm better off just removing the sponge/other unit and placing chaeto on top of that? Or am i better off leaving that unit alone and buying a tiny nanofilter and putting chaeto in there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
so I'm better off just removing the sponge/other unit and placing chaeto on top of that? Or am i better off leaving that unit alone and buying a tiny nanofilter and putting chaeto in there?
no you're better yanking out the sponge and biomedia in there. You do have at least 5.5lbs of liverock right? All you'd need is the carbon and chaeto in there, or just chaeto. Lots of people are running these tanks without carbon or anything. I personally use it.
hmm i think ill do that then, im going home not this weekend but next and ill pick up a small chunk from my lfs. Is it ok if the light over is off at night?
edit: bahaha i didnt realize nassarius snails burrowed so now i have nothing to look at again : ( i love them though


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
hmm i think ill do that then, im going home not this weekend but next and ill pick up a small chunk from my lfs. Is it ok if the light over is off at night?
edit: bahaha i didnt realize nassarius snails burrowed so now i have nothing to look at again : ( i love them though
I'd get a small little clamp on cheapo light to hang over the HOB filter with chaeto and run it on an opposite cycle of your main tank light, that'll help keep the pH from dropping too too much at night.
yeah right now my main concern is a temperature issure. My biggest mistake was buying a cheap heater so i cant set the exact temp so ive been fiddling with it so it gets set at 79-81 when the lights ARE NOT on. Its frustrating the crap out of me. the problem with the light is my roomate will get pissssssed if theres a light on at night when he is trying to sleep


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
yeah right now my main concern is a temperature issure. My biggest mistake was buying a cheap heater so i cant set the exact temp so ive been fiddling with it so it gets set at 79-81 when the lights ARE NOT on. Its frustrating the crap out of me. the problem with the light is my roomate will get pissssssed if theres a light on at night when he is trying to sleep
oh... run a small submersible LED/light then? I think that brand marina makes them.. run it on its own timer to turn on like 2 hours after the lights go off so hopefully he'll already be asleep and not notice it...
sneaky sneaky.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
where do i get those submersible lights? ill just tell him its the ominous glow of his scorpion heat lamp : D
rofl... you can get them at almost any petstore or fish store. Marina submersible light or something better if you can.
oh ive never seen them before, cool i check that out. I think imma try and pick some stuff up not this weekend but next when i visit home i.e. a better heater, submersible light, cerith snails, food, chaeto and maybe a fish : D