my 5.5 gallon nano diary : D


Active Member
The top looks much better than the pvc
However having a closed top like that really limits the gas exchange, something to consider is drilling a few holes in it to give it some more ventilation. Other than that the tank is looking very nice, now it has to do its thing and cycle
yeah the top doesnt fit 100% over the whole aquarium. The tank itself is 16x9 i believe? So i got the cover cut to 15.75 (should have got 15.5 because it doesnt fit perfectly, will fix that when i get some gas to drive 20 minutes) and 5.5" wide. so i got just by looking about a 4x2 rectangle thats open back there but i deffinitly will think about drilling a few holes. I will need to wait untill christmas break however because i dont have a drill on campus, they think its "a weapon"
anyways my friend got a scorpion yesterday so now our room glows red from his side of it and bluish white from mine, i feel like we are the weird pet guys now


Active Member
Looking good. That should be a big enough opening, as long as you have flow going across the top of the tank.
air flow or water flow? if you mean water i got a good amount, because the tank is so small and my filter is putting out 200gph which is a little too much for my taste but w.e i had it in the house and i didnt wanna buy a new one
thanks : ) testing the water tomorrow, hopefully ammonia will be down an trites will be up : D
also finally got my salinity dialed in at between 1.024 and 1.026 depending on evaportation


Active Member
well the s.g. is good. at 1.024 its perfect. and also trates should be up as well. cant wait man for it to be stock up
yeah i set up my bank account online today so i could check my balance and had a little more money than i thought i did so im rather excited to start stocking it as well : D
heres my current stock list, its not 100%
I want to get
-yashia goby and a pistol shrimp <--i will be getting both no matter what
-possibly a clown, nothing special just a false perc probably maybe a real perc + ladies love clowns
(you guys think i should or would the bioload be too much?)
-Then just a plain old CUC what do you guys recommend as far as that goes? Im open to suggestions for cool inverts maybe some shrimp?
as far as corals
-some nice rics
-some mushrooms
-a lot of zoas, i plan on getting some nice pieces too nothing ugly, i want to get my moneys worth. Im 100% going to get some armor of god and Armageddons
-small xenia (maybe)
thats just the basics that i want. I haven't researched much of the corals yet. What i was thinking is my filter currently blowing water into the glass and its being redirected down and pushing the sand back so i want to put a few mushroom rocks down there and cover the sand bed with mushrooms and rics but im not sure if thats too much flow?
The goal of this set up is to be as colorful as possible with lots of bright colors that look good under moon lights.
let me know your thoughts guys im open to a lot of suggestions, i just want it to look as amazing as possible.


Active Member
Looks pretty good, I think you should just stick with the goby/pistol combo and nix the clown. I think it would be too much
I think you would have to be really careful too with the frogspawn or torch as they are kind of known to sting. Other than that though it sounds great, especially the duncans...they are my favorites
yeah im still iffy on the clown, i think what im going to do is get my system up and running for a while try and mod a fuge and try out that screen thing that was posted on here and try out a clown. If i notice my water parameters not responding well take him back to my lfs. I love duncans too which is why i really want some even though they will cost me an arm and a leg.
what would you recommend as far as inverts go? i want something interesting : D
and also what do you guys think about my flow question?


Active Member
Inverts I would get a couple nassarius, one or two cerith, and maybe a turbo. Also a pom pom(boxer) crab would be awesome in that size tank, do a little research on them and I bet you will fall in love with them like I have. I would already have one if it weren't for my sixline.