My 55 Gallon Thread


I really like those, I have the ones above it, radio active dragon eyes, I believe. But I at least have not seen as good of a picture as the ones on the bottom or I would recognize them.


Are you getting anywhere with the cyano? I see you have some next to your zoanthids. I just bought a 90 gallon that I had to move 3 or 4 hours away and as of yesterday has a decent red and yellow cyano bacteria outbreak. It is not a flow thing either except for the fact that there was tons and tons of organic buildup on the rocks and in the sand which is causing the problem. I keep stiring things up and blowing stuff out of the rock and the skimmer is filling a cup about ever 4 or 5 days. I am hoping it goes away easy but I may get more aggressive with it.


Active Member
Yeah, I think it is getting better. I don't think it's a flow problem. my tank get flow all over. I dont know what the problem is. I usually use a turkey baster and blow away that cyano near them. I am just trying to keep up on my WCs, less feeding, less light. It has definitely been a battle. I am moving at the end of May and upgrading to a 75. I dont know if i will need more flow. I currently have two Koralia 3, I don't know if I want a smaller one to point more towards to sand. I don't know as of yet though.


Active Member
LOL I know. I am so nervous. I think I have a plan. So we shall see how this goes. I just don't want to lose anything. I would be devastated. But yay for a 75!!!


Active Member
well, since I got no responses in my LPS forum I will ask my question here. My torch coral has a pineapple sponge directly in the middle of it. I can't tell if it is bothering it or not. Should I try to remove it or just leave it as it? I can only see it at night when the torch is closed up a little.
Here is a picture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Cool perspective. How close are you to the move? Any other new stuff? Hows that battle going?
May 22 I begin. 2 weeks from yesterday. Nothing new that I have bought. I am being overtaken by pineapple sponges. I HATE them. It's a new battle. LOL. Oh and feather dusters. teeny tiny feather dusters. On the back wall and 2 of my rocks. They are kinda cool though. I am not going to buy anything new until I move. Cyano is almost gone, just a small spot. But, I am sill uneasy about it. How have you been?


Active Member
Moves are no fun.
I've moved my 55g twice. Both were about six hours worth of driving.
What I did is I put the live rock and a little water in a big cooler. The rest of the water went in capped 5g buckets. The fist and inverts (2 clowns for fish) went in a 10 gallon with a heater and powerhead that I plugged into the car. When i got to my destination, I set the 55 up, and got the filter and heater running, useing the old water. I also mixed new water for a water change. Live rock went in as soon as the water got somewhat warm. The fish and inverts waited till morning to go in, after a water change.
It worked really well, didn't lose anything.