My 75 gallon far.


Alright, so I set up my 75 a while back. I've got an emperor 400 with two drop in carbon filters, poly filter in one media tray, and phos-ban in the second media tray. I've also got a via-aqua multi skimmer deluxe. I haven't put in the uv sterilizer that comes with it yet. As far as flow, a koralia 1 and a koralia 3 for softer flow in the front of the tank and heavier flow over the LR area. I've got 60lbs live sand and 45lbs of LR... I'll be adding another 20-30lbs within the next two weeks. So far, this is my stock list:
2 ocellaris clowns
1 fairy wrasse
1 lawnmower blenny
1 green clown goby
1 mandarin dragonet
3 peppermint shrimp
2 emerald crabs
1 large sally lightfoot that I hate.
15-20 hermits
15 turbo snails
5 olive snails
Let me know what you think...pros cons etc.
My water parameters have been constant over the last four weeks. Testing with an API test kit. Parameters right now are at:
Ammonia 0
PH 7.8 I'm hoping it will go up a bit after water change.
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20


How old is the tank? For the mandarin do you have lots of will starve if it doesn't ...they eat hundreds a day.


Active Member
pics!! how long has the mandarin been in the tank? with your filtration, its hard to believe that you have a large copepod population. i strongly suggest you invest in a refugium and ditch the emperor. add some chaeto in the refugium and down goes your nitrates.


I read up on the mandarin before I got him, so I wanted to make sure I had a nice size copepod population. They were all over my back and side glass by the thousands and also on my front glass, just not as many(not to mention the thousands in my LR and sand). I added him and he started eating right away which tells me he's healthy so that's good. Either way I added a whole bag of copepods yesterday. I have no problem doing that on a regular basis. I'll post pics when I get home tonight.


Thanks man, I liked him cause he looked a little different from other ones I've seen as far as color patterns. He eats like a pig.


I've been looking at the Aquafuge HOB fuges and I'm thinking of getting one...what do you guys think about that particular one? I'm looking at the large one w/o protein skimmer since I already have one.


IMO everyone that has been in the hobby for a while ends up either having/wanting plumbed sump/fuge. I bought everything to go HOB when I first set started, thinking I dont mind HOB. Wrong. I just couldn't take all that junk on the back. You also have SOO many more options once you plumb it in. This is just my expierence, Hope it might help.


Originally Posted by beckto
IMO everyone that has been in the hobby for a while ends up either having/wanting plumbed sump/fuge. I bought everything to go HOB when I first set started, thinking I dont mind HOB. Wrong. I just couldn't take all that junk on the back. You also have SOO many more options once you plumb it in. This is just my expierence, Hope it might help.
I really want to plumb it in and get a sump, but I most definitely am not going to build one. I'm going to buy one that already made. Not that DIY ones aren't good...I've actually seen some amazing ones on this forum, but I really just don't have the time to do it. I work like 8-7 every day and when I get home I just wanna relax with my wife and kid. I've been looking at the Marineland acrylic sumps, but I haven't made a decision yet. I'm looking to get a sump within the next 2 months honestly, I just don't know enough about them yet. I have seen that the sump can be a filter, refugium, and have a protein skimmer in it, I just haven't got it completely figured out yet. I know what it does and how it does it, but what I'm not clear on is the different levels in the sump itself and what to put where within the sump. I have room under my tank for a 30 gallon for sure. Any suggestions so I can make the switch soon and take all this HOB stuff off my tank. Even though it's getting the job done now, I really do hate how it looks and I want to add the fuge soon to raise my copepod population as the mandarin starts reducing it.


Eshopps Advanced Refugium or MegaFlow Sump Filters. These are just two that I have been looking at so far...any feedback?


New Member
sorry, megaflow 3 sump as sump, filled with skimmer, heater, 25 lbs live rock and the yellow tail from hell who I didn't want to flush but go banned from the main tank...