Hello eipapps.
I think I must be confusing a simple idea about the way I siphon out water and vaccum up debri while siphoning.
The airline tubing is what you would use for an airstone. The "cleaning rod" is a extendable rod that has different sponge and pad attachment that are used to wipe the algae growth off of the inside of an aquarium. I use just the rod without any of the pads or sponges. I took a small plastic tie wrap and used it to strap down one end of the airline tubing to the end of the rod. This gives me a way to control where I need to reach trash and debri that needs to be removed while I am siphoning out water to be changed. I use the same airline tube to siphon new water out of a measured container and into the Ht. It takes a little longer to change out water this way but I like the gradual addition of new "fresh" water to the HT.
Once I get a more accurate glass hydrometer I will try to pinpoint the salinity at 1.009. Right now I am down to 1.015. Once I have reached 1.009 I plan on using the same siphoning method to siphon 1/2 gallon of water and debri out of the HT. I will then
pour that water and debri through a coffee filter to remove the debri and then pour the cleaned water back into the HT. I am hoping this will help me to continue to keep the HT clean and water parameters stable. If water changes are needed then I plan on using saltwater mixed at a level of 1.009 and this is where the more accurate hydromter will be needed even more often.
I am currently siphoning out HT water for my formalin dips. I siphon out trash with this water but pour it through a coffe filter to remove the debri before adding the formalin. It seems to work well.
This is just what I have decided to do. You may have other ideas or other people on this board may advise differenty.
Hope this clears it up some. Sorry for the confusion.
Good Luck