My First SW Tank 24 Gal Aquapod


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Thanks GRabbit. Yeah the first day he wouldnt eat anything but now he goes after pretty much anything i throw in there. Frozen or flakes he goes after it. And then he will go into every cave and search for leftovers. He is so far only fish i have in there right now. I had a blue yellowtail damsel but he kept picking on the Fridmani and cleaner shrimp so i took him to LFS. Well thanks for the comment. I hope to keep everything coming along smooth and adding more pics and more coral soon.


The Orchid Dottyback is a great looking fish! I have one myself but he hides all the time and only comes out during feeding time. Is yours a bit shy too? You asked what other fish would be nice for your 24 Aquapod and I think a Midas Blenny or a Bicolor Blenny would be a great addition. Don't get an Angel because he might go after your Orchid Dottyback. I have a Coral Beauty Angel and I think he is the reason why my Orchid hides a lot.


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Originally Posted by blueram
The Orchid Dottyback is a great looking fish! I have one myself but he hides all the time and only comes out during feeding time. Is yours a bit shy too? You asked what other fish would be nice for your 24 Aquapod and I think a Midas Blenny or a Bicolor Blenny would be a great addition. Don't get an Angel because he might go after your Orchid Dottyback. I have a Coral Beauty Angel and I think he is the reason why my Orchid hides a lot.
My flame angel and my orchid get along fine


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Ok could any of you tell me something. I have noticed a ton of tiny snails this morning sliding across my livesand. i have noticed a couple here and there over the last 3 weeks but now i see about 100 of them seems like. And some tiny little bugs as well. My camera is not good enough to get a clear shot of them so hopefully someone can tell me if they are bad or good or whatever ? The little bugs look like baby copepods but they dont run around in the open do they ? I used to only see them in the caves and dark areas under the LR. can anyone help me ? Thanks


Active Member
Most likley pods of some sort or some other type of mirofauna, harmless filter feeders, or flat worms depending on shape. Either way they are pretty much harmless. Your tank will propogate tons of tiny snails you'll see them pop up all over the place again harmless filter feeders.


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Ok so here are a couple more pictures. My fish is so pretty i think and he is so crazy. Anyone have any ideas as to what all that stuff is on my LR ? Not the green star polyp but the LR next to it. There are so branch looking like things and they have 2 hairs sticking out of the ends of them. Thanks



Do the "hairs" sticking out of the branches move around? They sound to me like some form of tube worm. Most tanks have them and they are harmless, but fun to watch.
The size and color varies with the species, but as far as I know they all behave basically the same and are harmless. The little tentacles will reach out and pick up pieces of sand or debris and use it to make a protective tube. If you place a little piece of food near one of the tubes you'll probably see one of the tentacles reach out and grab it, then pull it towards the opening of the tube.


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Ok so i just ordered 2 Black and White False Percs. Hopefully they will get along ok with my Orchid Dottyback. Do you guys think there should be a problem there or no ? Thanks for the feedback everyone and thanks for helping me with my saltwater journey. This is a nice little hobby


Active Member
I think they will be fine IMO. Adding 2 at once will help supress any dominating tendencies of your dottyback.


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Alright thanks for the input. Im glad to know that. Also i keep finding small crab looking like things in my tank. I have found 3 already.They dont have a shell or anything and appear to be red leg hermits. I purchased 2 red leg hermits and 2 blue leg hermits and they are all still in the shell and in my tank doing well. So do anyone know what these might be? They seem to be dead also when i find them. So i just flush em down the toilet. Do you think maybe they are just appearing out of the liverock or what ? Its kind of strange. Well thanks. Also i seen a 3-5 inch red bristleworm/fireworm. I try catching him but he goes back into the rock before i can grab it. Should i just leave it alone? Thanks


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Ok so i have a question. I bought a fire shrimp yesterday. Ever since last night, my Fridmani Dottyback has been hiding in a hole on the LR where he sleeps at and wont come out. i've fed them and everything and he just stays inside it. Should i take the Fire shrimp back or will the fish get used to it after a day or so ? Dont want my fish dying of starvation.


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Ok so he finally came out after all the food is gone and everything. Seemed like he was gonna be brave and swim around with the shrimp but no he goes and finds another cave to hide in. here is some photos. Beautiful picture of my Fridmani i think btw.



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Ok so i just got Two Twin Spot Gobies. When they first went into the tank they were swimming next to each other but now they stay on opposite sides of the tank. Just got them yesterday. Everyone let me know what you think please. Thanks. And it seems they are doing pretty well. know alot of people on here say they are very very difficult to keep but hopefully i will be pretty good with them. 1 appears that he doesnt swim correct though. Like he has a messed up fin or something. I dont know.



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I might be wrong, but I would say that they each have kind of set up their own territories. Will probably stay in their respective areas for the time being.


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ok so they have found each other. seem to be doing great and staying right next to each other the last 2 hours. Also when you guys feed your fish these frozen food blocks how much do you feed. I dont know if i am feeding my tank enough food or not but within a couple minutes all the food is gone, Probably 1/3 or 2/3 of it getting sucked into filter i think. Well let me know if you can please. the lfs said half a cube in the morning and half a cube at night. is that right ? also is it ok to mix the food up at times, Like say in the morning flake food and then in the evening frozen brine or frozen mysis ? Thanks. also here is another photo.


Active Member
ok so they have found each other. seem to be doing great and staying right next to each other the last 2 hours. Also when you guys feed your fish these frozen food blocks how much do you feed. I dont know if i am feeding my tank enough food or not but within a couple minutes all the food is gone, Probably 1/3 or 2/3 of it getting sucked into filter i think. Well let me know if you can please. the lfs said half a cube in the morning and half a cube at night. is that right ? also is it ok to mix the food up at times, Like say in the morning flake food and then in the evening frozen brine or frozen mysis ? Thanks. also here is another photo.


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Ok so here is a quick update on some new things in my tank. I have recently got some Florida Ricordeas, And 3 frags of Zoanthids. Hope everyone likes how it looks. I tried glueing that Ricordea rock to another rock with super glue gel and i had no luck at all so i just have it sitting on the top for now. It seems to have a tiny new ricordea growing in the middle and then another one seems to be splitting. Is it good if it splits ? Its like you can see two mouths next to each other but yesterday when i bought it i only seen one there. Well someone post some comments please. Thanks !



Wow coming along nice. I don't know if you mentioned but where are the clowns you ordered? Rics look nice.


Active Member
yeah well unfortunately i found the two black clowns and ***** and that died in my QT :( I was sad about the loss of the fish and the fact i lost 90 dollars. I'm still hoping to add some but this time i think i will get from the lfs i go to all the time and just toss em in the DT. Thanks for asking and thanks for the compliment.