tank had a marine land 400 filter then i bought a PS 75 Odyssey PS 75 protein skimmer. livestock is 2 clown fish 2 lyertails, 1 coral beauty, 1 domino, 2 peppermint shrimp, 4 nassarious snails, 4 hermit crabs, just found a brittle sea star and some fish that is half orange and half purple. please help me out there pic above this post. coming eventually will be another 70 watt mh light with 4 t5h0 lights that will be a 50/50 setup. OH and the anemone is doing great!!!
and on order to help keep tank clean is 30 Live Nassarius + 10 Periwinkle Saltwater Snails can anyone tell me what that plant is too?! got it from a friend and the fish love the darn thing!!