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has anyone made a texas to california drive recently? is it long flat and boring ? i havent beensouth west past new mexico
is there stuff that we can jack up along the way?
I drive it several times a year. (the I-40 route)
As you drive through New Mexico there are some Native American sites to see. Pueblos and the like. ABQ has a cultural center. The first exit past ABQ is the To-ha-hele (sp) exit. During warm weather there is a roadside taco stand on the north side of I-40. They have awesome fry bread tacos. We stop every time they are there. There will be large hand made signs if they are open/set up. Other than that, the views are cool. The mesa riddled landscape is beautiful. The scenery changes to evergreens and mountains as you approach Flagstaff, Az. Williams has a train (old west style) that takes you to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. At Christmas they do the Polar Express theme which is usually booked a year in advance. Buy gas in Arizona before crossing the Mojave Desert. California gas is high, but california gas in the desert will really cost you. Julian, CA is cool if you come that way. Buy some pie...evidently they are famous for it.
Are you coming down the 40 or the 10? .... or the 8?