My FOWLR 55 gallon tank diary, first saltwater tank.


does anyone have one of these red velvet fairy wrasses? do they really look like this? so bright and colorfull


Active Member
any of those fish that you wanted would work... find out some that you really like and put those at the top of your list... then we work around those certain fish... it's much better than just walking into the lfs, seeing a fish you like, and then coming back here... starting a thread about it... wait till you get answers.. then it's already sold.. etc.. It'll also help with compatibilty issues and will also make your decision about buying a fish much easier and it will make you feel more confident... all good things :)!


Active Member
Here is what I have in my tank as far as fish:

  • Pair of clowns

  • Lemon Peel Angel (any angel will be considered reef with caution)

  • Bicolor Dottyback (also considered Royal Dottyback similar to the Royal Gramma)
    Lawnmower Blenny
I am also planning on adding a fairy wrasse of some sort.


can someone tell me a good way to get a photo from of my phone onto the computer?
i sent it to my email but am not shure how to get it on to here, i tryd to copy and past it but that didnt work lol.


Active Member
Just reposting the old post:
For the more beginner hobbyists, Dwarf angels, Basslets, cardinals, chromis, dartfish, dottybacks, gobies, hawkfish, and wrasses are some of the more common fish.
Filefish, anglers, dwarf lions, and scorpions are other fish that are less common but also suitable for a tank of your size.


i like clowns, occ or percs, does one get beigger that the other? not shure witch id rather have, id really like a black and white one.
also like dwarf angles, favorits being the CB and bicolor, Pygmy .
also like wrasses like the velvet fairy and Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse and others too.
Orchid Dottyback