my girlfreind dropped a bottle of windex in my tank


Active Member
Goodness! Now that's just plain cruel...My husband doesn't even mess with the tank.
Dr. Tito....not every woman tries to take a man for everything he owns. We're not all like that.
nwdyr---you make it sound like all women are evil. I'm sorry for bad past experiences but we're not all horrible.


I would have to agree. I do all the care taking for my babies and my boyfriend leaves it alone. With that said he knows better than to have anything toxic near the tanks. I wont let him get near them unless his hands are clean. I dont know if your girl was trying to be vindictive or not but it definitely sounds like she did not understand the time and money put into this hobby and that it was pure lack of concern combined with a lot of stupidity! Sorry for your loss!


Active Member
Sorry to hear that.
-Move picture.
-Your girlfriend tried to fix it, so Id shoot her some credit.
Gotta start over. Its tragic and expensive, but you get the rare chance to change something you didnt like, so embrace it. Best of luck


ok it has been confirmed that she did it on purpose then when she realised what she did she tried to fix it. she told one of my buddies wife that she did it on purpose. but im past that i went to lfs today and bought all new sand and a bucket of salt and went to work. i actually like the sand i got now better. i got some live sand with half and half black and white its realy cool. so it will be a couple weeks at least vefore i try to put anything in it i want to make sur that i have all the chemicals out before i do anything i dont need anything else dying on me.


Originally Posted by sbaumann14
when you get up and runnin, give me your address and i'll donate you some frags..... zoos, mushrooms, ect...
i appreciate all the offers but i cant accept anything from anyone it wasnt ur fault that all this happened but maybe i can send some money for some.
Wow I am shocked that she had the nerve to kill off your entire tank!! Was there a reason why she did this, if you don't mind me asking?


Originally Posted by saltwatersubie
Wow I am shocked that she had the nerve to kill off your entire tank!! Was there a reason why she did this, if you don't mind me asking?
i went out with my buddy one night


Jeesh, she did it on purpose! Isnt that how serial killers start?? First usually with small animals, then progress onto larger! Could be a boyfriends dog or cat next, then maybe the boyfriend in their sleep! Someone needs some lithium!!! Good luck on your new tank! Hope the next GF is more sane.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Everyone is scaring me about getting a gf and getting married. LOL
Don't let 'em scare ya. My wife is the best person in the world. It's not that women are bad,'s just that no matter where, there are are always going to be those small, vindictive people in the world. Men and women both. It's terrible that this woman did this on purpose, but don't consider it a complete sample of the female species. Just look at the girls we have on the boards!

btwk12, I'm really sorry to hear what she did. If I was in your shoes, I don't know if I'd feel more murdeous or heartbroken. For the fish and the relationship, of course.
It's prolly a good thing that you let that one get away. So now you're starting over....when do we get pics???


Originally Posted by novahobbies
Don't let 'em scare ya. My wife is the best person in the world. It's not that women are bad,'s just that no matter where, there are are always going to be those small, vindictive people in the world. Men and women both. It's terrible that this woman did this on purpose, but don't consider it a complete sample of the female species. Just look at the girls we have on the boards!

btwk12, I'm really sorry to hear what she did. If I was in your shoes, I don't know if I'd feel more murdeous or heartbroken. For the fish and the relationship, of course.
It's prolly a good thing that you let that one get away. So now you're starting over....when do we get pics???
+1 It's about time someone defended the women. I think they're great! Everyone ought to own 2 or 3!