My Little Piece Of The Ocean... 46g Bow Front Build


I have a question about calcium ....I tested my calcium and got more then the 400-500 mg/L (ppm) that a reef aquarium should be I have about 600 is this good or bad ...


Well-Known Member
It depends on what your alkalinity and magnesium are at. If your calcium is that high, something might be out of balance or your test kit has an inaccurate reading. What test kit are you using?


API Saltwater Master Test Kit ...just checked the ph and it was low 7.8 so I ran sum think that was the problem


Well-Known Member
Don't add buffer to stabilize pH... that's a no-no.
What a buffer is to increase pH in a saltwater tank is sodium carbonate. It will temporarily increase your pH but it will also add alkalinity to your system - which your tank probably needed. Don't add alkalinity to your system without knowing your calcium and pH. Make sure that your magnesium is around 1300-1350mg/L before you start dosing anything...
API kits are OK, but if you are going to test and regularly adjust your water parameters, you need something a little more accurate - like a titration style test kit such as those sold by Seachem. Titration style kits are much, much more accurate than a simple drop method...
Don't make the mistake that many aquarists do and invest thousands of dollars in equipment, only to use a cheap test kit.