My Little Piece Of The Ocean... 46g Bow Front Build


Well-Known Member
Need to figure out why your ammonia is coming up - and run a reference test. Take some tank water to your LFS and have them test it for ammonia.
If your tank has some ammonia in it - it could be some dead creatures or possibly overfeeding or something which is causing it. Better to find out now than later.


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/391191/my-littile-piece-of-the-ocean-46g-bow-front-build/100#post_3475720
Need to figure out why your ammonia is coming up - and run a reference test. Take some tank water to your LFS and have them test it for ammonia.
If your tank has some ammonia in it - it could be some dead creatures or possibly overfeeding or something which is causing it. Better to find out now than later.
well i did have some dead crabs and could of been overfeeding as well so i will feed every other day to see if that helps....also i forgot to clean the filter on my hob filter it was very dirty don't know if that will cuase ammonia to rise...
I am also getting some brownish algae on my sand bed here is a pic ....


Well-Known Member
That's possibly diatoms...
replacing a single filter in a HOB filter will sometimes cause ammonia spikes in non-established systems...
Double up your filter if you can and only replace one at a time.
Feeding less will only help.


I started getting this too recently as soon as I took down my skimmer and my ozone for maintenance and replace some parts. I hope to get it on soon so that I don't have to keep stirring up the sand every day.


Probably diatoms.. samething happening to me atm.
This usually happens when you have new tank and new rocks... strange... too much lights and nutrients.


lost one of my zoo frags one day it just closed and never opened again and just melted away don't know what happened all of my other corals are doing good and sprouting new ones and i am very surprised that my birds nest is doing good and growing under 150 watt mh light i will post before and after pics in a few min...


too many fine bubbles, may want to fix that but your birdnest looks good!


Please birdsnest is turning white starting from the bottom i checked the water level and notice that the ph was low and i did change my light from 150w mh 14k to 150w mh 20k don't know if that could be the problem here are my water levels
ph - 7.8
ammonia - 0
nitrite - 0
nitrate - 0


Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///t/391191/my-littile-piece-of-the-ocean-46g-bow-front-build/100#post_3478993
Can you post a pic? Is it an area that is not getting enough light?
Don't really know what is going on it was doing fine and i was getting good growth i changed the light from 150w mh 14k to 150w mh 20k and left the birdsnest in the same place it was and i checked my water levels and the ph was low at 7.8 those are the only two things that changed in my tank. I will post pic when the lights turn on.