My Little Piece Of The Ocean... 46g Bow Front Build


Active Member
I'd say wait a Lil longer...let everything settle...PATIENCE. SOME tanks cycle faster than others. id start with a CUC(clean up crew). This consists of snails, crabs, shrimp, etc. These are a good start to a tank and are very fun to see snails cruise around. Wait until nitrates are


Dude, honestly if you are going all fish, you don't have to worry too much about nitrate. Nitrite yes but no phosphate and nitrate will kill your fish.
Also CUC while nitrate is active might be bad. I heard from somewhere and please don't quote me on this but I heard that nitrate is bad for shrimps.
Please correct me if I'm wrong guys.


so i did a water test two days ago and got
ammonia - 0.25
nirite - 0
nirate - 5.0
ph - 8.2
so i went to the lfs to get cuc but they didn't really have anything so just got two turbo nails for now and a blue damsel and two frags which one is a Green Ricordea Mushroom and a sps coral frag looks like a birds nest so i added the blue damsel and frags first and he found his littile home in the rock work and yesterday i put in my two clowns and they are all doing good and seem to be very happy...i know that the blue damsel can be aggressive but he just stays around his littile home and have not been aggressive towards the clown at all but i will keep my eye on i have notice in the last couple of weeks that my clowns have been sleeping together and when i put them in the 46g tank they seem to stay together where one go's the other one follows does this mean that they are falling in love with each are some pic's can anyone id the sps for me



It's a birdsnest alright. I have one myself. I believe it's called Seriatopora hystrix.
Dude kill the ammonia and nitrate fast. Those will kill your sps fast. Those are way too sensitive compared to other things.
If something is going wrong in your tank, those are the first to go.



going to the lfs to see if they got in any other kinds of cuc which they didn't have when i went a couple days ago...


just came back from the lfs with some goodies... got 5 astrea snails 3 emerald crabs 1 sally lightfoot crab 1 yellow tang about 1-1/4 inch and 1 firefish...


honestly I don't know if it's good idea that you are introducing more fish to the tank when you have ammonia. A tang at that since they are bio load specialist.. any ways, have spare salt water ready in case of ammonia spike Phil. CUC is always a good idea. :)


will see how it go's siptang i just get a littile carried away when i go to the'm probably not the only


yea, I definitely know been through that road too much actually lol. I just don't want your new fish to die on you because I know we all work hard for our money. :)
Let me know how things go, definitely do a small water change to battle ammonia now and have some water ready so that you can do a quick water change in case ammonia does spike. Trust me tangs poop like CRAZY. I swear my blue tang shoots pellets bigger then my hermits sometimes.


didn't know tangs poop like ...but ill do a small water change now since i have some salt water ready..i will keep you posted
i have a question about my clowns which i posted a couple threads up ^^^
i notice a couple weeks ago that they are sleeping together now and when i put them in my 46g tank they stay together where one goes the other one follows...does this mean that they are falling in love with each other...