my new 24gal jbj nano


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No i didn't frag it yet , I am getting used to it being in there
I got 2 people saying they want to buy it but no payments yet. I think I will just keep it the price I was asking is not enough anyway!


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Well I sold the big bubble!!! now that I am used to it being there , it will be gone on Monday!!



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Thanks rebel! yea I was going to frag them and sell some , but I just like the way the rock looks so much, I can't mess it up.


Active Member
great pics bro, nice fts there and have any of those shrooms sprad yet ? seems like the real pretty ones and expensive ones take forever to multiply :( goodluck with em


Active Member
Those shrooms have not spread at all
Yea the good ones never do huh
Well i did it......I moved most of this tank over to the 40 and My son and I are turning this into a Anemone tank
He really likes all the diff. colors and so do I . Can't afford a 3rd tank so here we go..............

the first one is called Yellowisss anmenoeeisss poly-tunian. AKA yellow anemone
I know it looks pretty bare , but we will have it looking great in no time!....... I hope


Active Member
I see the clowning taking a peek at the new anemone, did it get inside it yet and play around ? Wish i could find something for my clowns to play in. My orange percs dont play in nothing but my b/w ones will play in the palys and even rub on my acan hehehe. well catch ya later


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Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
the nem looks sweet. nice and bright yellow. Is it just like that or dyed? I want some anemones!!
dyed??? yea thats it , next I am going to do a multi-color ty-dye thing. My salute to the Grateful dead


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I think he was meaning Bleached. I dunno though but it is awesome. I think there are only certain anems that are actually good for clowns right ?


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Sorry guys this new project is going pretty slow and boreing ,tomorrow i am going to the LFS hopfully I will have some new stuff and post pic's in the afternoon! Don't loose faith


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A couple updated pic's. So far just haitian anemone's ,anyone have any suggestions for other types??

this one has a nice purple color to it

sorry my fish don't pose



Active Member
Condylactis or something like that is the purple tipped one i THINK. i aint for sure though cause i dont know much about anems since i aint got none. Why did you take everything out of that tank and turn it into an Anem tank ? most anems need high watts of light, like mh's or something i thought. But again i Tha fish look great though :)


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thanks for the ID ,my son likes Anemones ( and so do I
) so I thought why not
I think I am going to buy another 29gal bio-cube soon. That one will be frag's ONLY!!! No sand , a few live rocks and NO FISH
My 40 is wayyyyyy to full. I did allot of reading and they need like 3+WPG of lighting , and my JBJ has 4.5 WPG so its good for what I want , more is not always good i guess
I am sure MH's would not hurt then but it's not a MUST have.


Active Member
I think they are all condi's. From what I understand, the color variations usually depend on their diet from their previous home. Many will start purple or another slight variation and change to the brownish over time. Luckily my purple is still staying purple though.
Great pics! I really like how the purple color stands out under actinics. They almost seem to glow.