My NEW 24gal nano DX!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Nice set up. Good job limiting your bioload by decreasing your number of fish. SW has really taught me patience. It is tempting to but lots of pretties and put them in you tank. How did you make your chiller? I have seen them online for as low as 40$ but DIY would be nice. Good luck with your corals. what are you feeding them imparticular your sun coral? :joy:


New Member
hey basketball, my sincere condolences on your tank. I am new to this site but I have 12 gallon nano. My tank is established but one thing I have found with a small water volume is that if it is not one thing it is another. I really want to pass on to you what another SW reefer said to me and that is to just maintain your tank for now and the spirit of SW will come back to you. Don't do anything drastic like give your tank away. I find that I worry more about finding a babysitter for the tank than for the kids when I go on vacation. You have been really lucky to find a good site for asking questions. I bet your tank will come back.


Originally Posted by mercury724
Ibaskball sad to hear your lost, but you had a nice tank! I had a 25g tank also for about 3 months now but still have'nt seen any new life growing from my LRs. how do you make maintain your tank, how often do you make water changes and how much?
my 25g tanks has
5 damsels (had it for 2 months)
1 Samurai (2 months)
1 blenny (1 week)
1 Mandarin (1 week)
3 turbo snails
2 feather dusters
2 elegant coral
1 green goniopora
1 plate coral long tentacles ( 1 week ) its tentacles does'nt come out anymore

Sorry for the late reply.
You will start to see new life growing in your LR in time. =) as for maintaing the tank. One thing that is really important is water changes. I usually do 2 to 3gallons of water change every week on my 24gal. I highly recommend you try to sell back the mandarian goby because they shouldnt be kept in such small tanks. They eat a lot of pods. I wouldnt keep one of those even if I had a 50gal. Maybe a 55gal minimum =) And you have 2 elegant corals? awesome. I think they are by far my favorite corals. I had great success with mine. In fact, after my tank crashed, almost every coral was dead or dying except for my elegant coral. I heard they used to be easy to keep but now they are difficult. I must of had the easy type and not the newer difficult type. Well thanks for the comments. hope this helps.


Originally Posted by nanonewby
hey basketball, my sincere condolences on your tank. I am new to this site but I have 12 gallon nano. My tank is established but one thing I have found with a small water volume is that if it is not one thing it is another. I really want to pass on to you what another SW reefer said to me and that is to just maintain your tank for now and the spirit of SW will come back to you. Don't do anything drastic like give your tank away. I find that I worry more about finding a babysitter for the tank than for the kids when I go on vacation. You have been really lucky to find a good site for asking questions. I bet your tank will come back.

Post some pictures of your 12 gal!!! And thank you for your sincere condolenceses to my tank. I appreiciate it very well. I dont know if I want to comeback and start this hobby again, but if I do, it will be a 12gal and I will be modifying the hood most definetly. As of now, I do not have the money, the time or the motivation to start one up due to the fact that I am still recovering from the loss of my tank. As for my 24gal, I do not have it anymore.


something went wrong, i noticed one of my elegance shrivelled for 2 days then on the third day i took a closer observstion and found that it's desintegrating already on the middle portion of it. I took it out of the mt and transferred it to the qt and turned on the lights the whole morning but i think it's still slowly desitigrating. How could i save it?


Originally Posted by mercury724
something went wrong, i noticed one of my elegance shrivelled for 2 days then on the third day i took a closer observstion and found that it's desintegrating already on the middle portion of it. I took it out of the mt and transferred it to the qt and turned on the lights the whole morning but i think it's still slowly desitigrating. How could i save it?

Tell me how old your tank is, the size (gallons) and how many watts per gallon your tank has. From my experience, elegance corals need A LOT of life. My metal halides kept them alive as long as Ive had them (over 7months). If you have star polpys, and if they dont open, it might mean your water quality is bad. I found elegance coral to tolerate bad water conditions. Did you recently purchase any corals? Is there a coral that is sitting near it? Make sure that is not the case. Also if your adding any chemicals to the water that might be causing your elegance coral to stress. If you had ph buffer directly to your tank on water changes it will make it do this. Hope this helps. The elegance corals they sell nowadays are suppose to be very hard to keep. I found the one I had bought was very easy to keep. I fed mine almost every other day.


Originally Posted by lbaskball
Tell me how old your tank is, the size (gallons) and how many watts per gallon your tank has. From my experience, elegance corals need A LOT of life. My metal halides kept them alive as long as Ive had them (over 7months). If you have star polpys, and if they dont open, it might mean your water quality is bad. I found elegance coral to tolerate bad water conditions. Did you recently purchase any corals? Is there a coral that is sitting near it? Make sure that is not the case. Also if your adding any chemicals to the water that might be causing your elegance coral to stress. If you had ph buffer directly to your tank on water changes it will make it do this. Hope this helps. The elegance corals they sell nowadays are suppose to be very hard to keep. I found the one I had bought was very easy to keep. I fed mine almost every other day.
my tank is 4 months old and so is the elegance. it's a 25g tank, and i use 2 35w actinic flourecent lights, a powerhead for the hob filter and a small power head for water circulation. Didn't have any additions to my tank for a month now. I have two elegance but they're quite far apart from each other. i do a 30% to 40% water change ever month. I don't feed them anything at all though once a week i would put one plankton tablet in the tank.


Hey, Ibaskball -
I thought you weren't going to post anymore and that you were giving up on the hobby. Like an addiction, huh.
I'll give you a year and you'll be back in the hobby.

But seriously, sorry about your tank, man. That is a constant fear for my 24g. Unlucky.


Originally Posted by mercury724
my tank is 4 months old and so is the elegance. it's a 25g tank, and i use 2 35w actinic flourecent lights, a powerhead for the hob filter and a small power head for water circulation. Didn't have any additions to my tank for a month now. I have two elegance but they're quite far apart from each other. i do a 30% to 40% water change ever month. I don't feed them anything at all though once a week i would put one plankton tablet in the tank.

Looks like your elegance is doing fine then. As long as its doing fine, no need to worry. I used to put half of the plnakton tablet type of meal. They make the water quality go down the drain but I used to put it in and let it be in the water so that the corals can obsorb it right before I did my weekly water change to get my water quality back up again. Can you post some pictures of your elegance? I 'd love to see some.


Originally Posted by DennyCrane
Hey, Ibaskball -
I thought you weren't going to post anymore and that you were giving up on the hobby. Like an addiction, huh.
I'll give you a year and you'll be back in the hobby.

But seriously, sorry about your tank, man. That is a constant fear for my 24g. Unlucky.

LOL, haha yeah thought I post advice and ask questions still eventho I dont have a SW tank anymore. I'm still not sure about the "i'll be bacccck...." part like Arnold once said..haha. I just might comeback maybeee one day...or maybe tomorrow...maybee one day haha.

By the way, post some pics of your 24gal so that we can keep my 24gal nano thread going!


Whoever has pictures of Elegance, frogspawns, stars and anemones in their small 24gal tanks post pictures here!! I'd love to see since thats all I got.


how heavy is your 24gal? im thinking to get 1 of those but not sure if i have a stand that can hold it (mine can hold around 200-250 lbs i think) also which brand of nano do you recommand? jbj/aquapod?
also where can i get one of those Thermoelectric Chiller? :p


Originally Posted by colourmop
how heavy is your 24gal? im thinking to get 1 of those but not sure if i have a stand that can hold it (mine can hold around 200-250 lbs i think) also which brand of nano do you recommand? jbj/aquapod?
also where can i get one of those Thermoelectric Chiller? :p
Not sure how heavy my nano got, but I had it on a small cabinet that I used as a stand. My tank was a JBJ nano cube, I heard some electrical issues the previous aquapods had, so I dont know if you want to get a aquapod. Depends on your choice I guess. and Dont buy a thermoelectric chiller, its a waste of your money. I hardly noticed a diff when the chiller was on or off. Better to use fans as I did later on.


From the producer of the original "lbaskball" that dominated most nano tanks in this forum with great success thanks to his 24gal nano (lol), comes another exciting hit, the JBJ 12gal DX reef. Will his tank survive? Thrive? Or will it be the end page to the ending story of his 24gal nano? Find out. * More action, * More Metal Halide, *Better chiller, *more hood modifications" The Clam will be back, the elegance will be back in a very small form and lastly the frogspawn will too be back. .


I am thinking of comming back to this hobby one last time. If I succeed then this will be my last tank, (i know I said that about my 24gal ) but if I succeed it will be my last, if I fail (not taking that for an answer) it will be the end story to this whole thread and this thread will be closed permanantly.
What my plans are for my 12gal for those who are interested:
-JBJ 12gal DX
-Modifying the hood with 150watts of Metal Halide
-Better new chiller to control the tempertures of the Metal Halide
-New Live rock
-Corals planning to get will be the same corals I had but very small (since the tank itself is small) and some new
- Elegance
-blastomussa welsi
-star polps
-sun coral
and zoos
-1 small clam
-2small fish (if I dont buy the elegance,or frogspawn, i will buy a seahorse instead of the 2 fish)
and there will be 2 surprise corals which I will not say yet.
Comming SOON to this saltwaterfish forum in November!!!


LMAO!! I love that beginning!! WELCOME BACK! You had an awesome 24 gal! I'm sure your 12 will be fine - just dont go on vacation!
Good luck!! We need lots of pics!


I loved your 24 gallon, and what happened to it was just terrible. I had a similar event when I went on vacation and the auto feeder overfed my tank. The filter clogged and the nitrates and ammonia were through the roof. Luckily the tank had few corals in it, so I did not suffer much of a setback.The corals were softies and shrooms, and so they did'nt mind the bad water a whole lot.

I hope you have better luck with this new nano. I went on a week long vacation and I just left the tank cover on and did not feed the fish or corals. This turned out really well, and you might try this next time.
This is great that you are getting back in to this hobby!