my new 55g journal


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more pics

this acapora was bleached because he was in a bag 4 12 hours, now hes back to life just need to get a pic of it

this little clown was almost beat to death by my other maroon but i put him in the sump and waiting to but the cube from shane to put him in

much more pink than when i got it


Active Member
Originally Posted by adesimone1
How do you like the black sand compared to the white sand? I will be setting up a reef tank in the near future and I like the looks of the black sand. And do you get the same benefits?

i love the black sand it makes the clors of the corals and fish pop more, it will eventually become live but it stays real black but i had my dad add the water awhile back and he poored it right on to the sand and it got sucked up but i just mixed it up and its black now


Just wanted to know because I've been battleing hair algae in my 46 gal for some time now thanks.


Active Member
new pics, the clam is doing great

some pics or the athinas

i got this acro and it was browned out and now its turning purple

my monti cap has grown twice the size

clown and bta

tank shot


Active Member
some new pics of my tank, i moved the sieo to the back of the tank so i get better flow and better surface tention and i fraged my pinc coral and my digis and my acro



I've got that same hair algae bad. How did you get it under control? I covered my nearby window to block any sunlight, changed the filters in my RO/DI unit, did a couple water changes, cut down my light to four hours a day, got a tang, sally lightfoot, and lawnmower blenny,.... to no avail yet.


Active Member
its good just i loose so much water to evaporation that i have to adjust the air flow constantly

sign guy

Active Member
If you had the chance would you get a better brand my lfs has a natilis ex and I dont know if it is a good brand or not