Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
I found out the only real problem would be leathers, but not any LPS.
I wasn't jumping on you for having them both in the same tank, I was simply asking if you had any problems with it because I am fixing to do the same thing.
Chill out.
im not feaking out im just saying that there are alot of people out there that think sps and lps cant get along, most every tank with good lighting has lps and sps, softies and everything in the same tank
I found out the only real problem would be leathers, but not any LPS.
I wasn't jumping on you for having them both in the same tank, I was simply asking if you had any problems with it because I am fixing to do the same thing.
Chill out.
im not feaking out im just saying that there are alot of people out there that think sps and lps cant get along, most every tank with good lighting has lps and sps, softies and everything in the same tank