my new 55g journal


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
I found out the only real problem would be leathers, but not any LPS.
I wasn't jumping on you for having them both in the same tank, I was simply asking if you had any problems with it because I am fixing to do the same thing.
Chill out.

im not feaking out im just saying that there are alot of people out there that think sps and lps cant get along, most every tank with good lighting has lps and sps, softies and everything in the same tank


Active Member
thanks heres some more pics, i just got tones of hair alge, but it reallly keeps the tank clear. but everything is fine

skimmer pulling out some nasty gunk

any one know what this is? it came after the water change, its at the bottom of the bucken but there everywhere

cool pic of goby and candy canes


Active Member
new pics, well i finally got the hair alge under control and almost gone, but i have some bad news, my belovid goby jumped and died and my scopa tank died, but today i got a nice bubble tip anenome, and 2 sieo m820's

any body know what alge's these are



Active Member
o ya and the clown is hosting the anenome, i couldnt even get the anenome attached to the rock without the clown going in, he was going in between my hand while i was holding it down. it was really cool


try some RO/DI water you can get it at the lfs and the green hair will be no more i had the same problem in my 55gal i started putting that water in my tank and the green hair whent CYAL8TER hope this helps any nice tank



Active Member
Originally Posted by CROME
try some RO/DI water you can get it at the lfs and the green hair will be no more i had the same problem in my 55gal i started putting that water in my tank and the green hair whent CYAL8TER hope this helps any nice tank

ya i got a phosphate reactor, but im saving for a ro/di. and go FORD!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
awesome bro, where'd you get the anemone?

dolphin were going to go soon i hope so ill let u know when were going again


Active Member
i finally got a light for my fuge/sump

hard to see but my acro tips are turning purple

i kept getting gurgling in my sump and was loosing like 5 gallons a week because of the evaporations the bubbles gave so i drilled 2 holes just before the water went in and it is silent now

anyone know what this alge is?


that last pic is grape caleurpa as fedukeford said, also that Urchin pictured early in this thread is a short spined urchin, I have one fairly harmeless but will occasionally knock stuff over.


How do you like the black sand compared to the white sand? I will be setting up a reef tank in the near future and I like the looks of the black sand. And do you get the same benefits?


Active Member
sand still stayin black

my clown never leaves my anenome, now i need another marron and have a pair