My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!


It has the one fan that came with it, I guess I will have to look for the clip on style.
Also I read the double ended bulbs need a UV shield have you heard this?
Did you say you plan to put the glass cover back on?


Also I read the double ended bulbs need a UV shield have you heard this?

HMM. I have never heard of this one! Please keep me updated. What if you don't have one?
Yes the instruction that came with the lights state clearly that you need to have glass top on your tank.


the directions of sayin the glass canopy must be on is basically for their liablity. Most people and LFS if you look have the MH above open water (make sure its a good distance) splashing, and things like that can break the bulbs, but they tell you to cover the water, just to cover their a**


about 2 degree fluctuation with glass top on between lights on/off.
I also find that evaporation is too much with glass top off, will let it run and see what I like to do.


How much live sand and live rock did you put in? It's possible to have the tank cycle in a week or will only show a very small cycle.
When I set up my tank, I used 25lbs of LR in my 37 gallon. It cycled in 10 days. HOWEVER, I waited a full month before trusting it to a small clean up crew. It was another couple weeks before I added one fish.
So far so good.
Also, the fact that you've got diatoms and algea is a sign that your tank is cycling.


i started with 20lb lr in a 29gal. i cycle about 8 days. then added a couple snails and hermits, to see if they would lived? they did, so then i added to clowns like 2 days later. they all lived. the ph? are u adding any buffers? maybe do a little water change, like 5 gal. that mite bring it down.


I am just having a hard time believing that my 90 gallon tank with 60 # of live rock and 60# of live sand could have cycled in about 1 week with amonia never going over 0.5


what does everyone think?
now my amonia and nitrite has been on a steady decline. They are both at 0 now. THere is just alittle bit of nitrate. (forgot the exact number, I think was 1)
PH at 8.2. water
Temp at 78-80 degrees, depending on wether I turn on my MH or not. (is this 2 degree fluctuation okay?)
So the ultimate question is still, am I done with cycling?? My amonia never spiked over 0.5 and its only been 2 weeks since my LR and shrimp went in the tank.


Here is the green algae I was talking about. This pic is from last week.
All the diatom and green algae seem to be dying now.


Our tanks are about the same age. Mine is a 72gal and i will be at 2 weeks on monday and my ammonia has never gone over .5 .. I dont have near the green algae you have my LR did turn a nice brown for a while but is starting to clear up. I just have a little nitrates thats it. Tank is a steady 79 degrees.


I am getting excited ! !
Time to do some research on what a good clean up crew is, in which time I can give my tank a few more days to observe how things are.
BTW, how long do I have before it is mandatory to put in a clean up crew? I heard if you don't add any live stock soon, your tank could crash and your nitrogen cycle could break down.


Oh ya Snipe or anyone, should I have to worry about the green algae? or will the clean up crew get to it ?


I am fairly new to this but I have read and rere-read post afrter post on heere when i set up my tank about 6 weeks ago the most important thing that i learned from all of the posts is you gotta have PATIENCE give your tank at least 3-4 weeks to cycle. Inorder for your tank to start cycling something needs to be decaying in your water ( alot of people start there cycle with a shrimp raw or fish food )this start to decay which starts bacteria in your tank that bacteria needs time to grow as it grows and your tank cycles you should see a spike in ammonia then in nitrites and then nitrates this all takes time.
If you are not seeing any of this 1 step would be to take your water to a local fish store and have them test for your levels if theres mirror yours then you at least know your testing products are working correctly. if everything is has returned to zero the next and only thing to add in my opinion is an appropriate sized cleaner crew dont go with anything to fancy(no fish or shrimp) in my opinion because you might get some die off. after that crew has been in there for a least 2 weeks then you can add your first fish providing all your parammeters are still in the safe zone(nitrates 0 ammonia ,0 nitrites)then wait at least another 2 weeks before adding anything else . you have to give your aquarium time to adjust to each new bio load I know its hard but you reallly need to just sit back watch and wait go slowly and read everyones opinions I hope this helped.


hehe thanks dad&son. That is precisely what I was thinking about. Go with a low key clean up crew in a few days. Perhaps just a fraction of the full force I will need and see if they survive. Then gradually add up.
About my test kit, I have tested it against their reference so it should be good. I dont know about my LFS testing for water, they are kinda stingy. I wil ask them if they do that next time and hope they don't laugh at me.